28.06.2016, 02:44
Last edited by Dayrion; 28/06/2016 at 11:58 AM.
Full Dynamic DeathMatch System
» What is it ?
There is a filterscript which allows you to do some things. You will see!
» Features
- Anti-Cheat during a duel/dmzoning.
- Anti-Weapons cheat for dmzone.
- Choose the weapon for dmzone.
- Set the number of warnings* before a ban of player from DM.
- Full customize set.
- Every set are saved (YNI).
- Admin commands.
* : When a player have a prohibed weapon, he get a warning. When he reach the max warnings, the player get ban from DM.
» Include:
#include <a_samp> #include <zcmd> #include <sscanf2> #include <foreach> #include <YSI\y_ini>
Credits to the original author for each include.
» Commands for lambda player:
- /duel
Propose someone to do a duel.
- /dmzone
Join the dmzone.
- /actualset
Show availabe set which can be used in /duel.
- /acceptduel
Accept a duel.
- /refuseduel
Refuse a duel.
- /statsdm
Show you dm stats.
- /dmhelp
Show available commands.
» How to change the number of set?
#define MAX_SET 10
» Change logs:
V.1.2: - Add Anti-Cheat Health (include falling player) - Optimization - Add an admin system - "Auto updater" - Fixed mirrors bugs - Sets are now full dynamic - Creating logs* - Max set to 10 - Dmzone new respawn - Sound on hit (need to be tested) - Kill streak on /dmzone - Reworking of /duel - /acceptduel - /refuseduel
V.1.1 : - Fixed some minors bugs - Added a debug mode - Added /dmcommands - /dmhelp - Added secondary commands (like /zonedm is the same /dmzone) - DMZone : Now you can't have other weapon than the one is allowed. - Admins can /optionsmd - /dmoptions (2 locked functions for the moment) - Some texts and colors changed (There are no new colors) - Loading set is working now.
V.1.0 : Release
- Pastebin: http://*******/6lX0iL
- Folder include (recommended) : http://*******/9Leca3
BE CAREFUL : You need to create 3 folders in scriptfiles:
» Screen:
» Find a bug, orthography mistake ? Let me know in comment.