[Plugin] YSF – IS4's version

Thanks for the tips. I am already planning to switch to normal versioning, but this is still the "setting up" phase for the project. All these commits will probably be released (in a normal way) to R18, which will also be 2.0.0. The binaries are there just for fast testing.

Thanks for keep this

YSF 2.0 finally publicly released, please report any issues.


[20:37:58] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[20:37:58] [debug] Native backtrace:
[20:37:58] [debug] #0 00155e8b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[20:37:58] [debug] #1 0014ebcf in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[20:37:58] [debug] #2 0014fdbc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[20:37:58] [debug] #3 00150226 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[20:37:58] [debug] #4 00155adc in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[20:37:58] [debug] #5 0021d410 in ?? ()
[20:37:58] [debug] #6 0021d430 in ?? ()
[20:37:58] [debug] #7 00415871 in gsignal () from /lib/libc.so.6
[20:37:58] [debug] #8 0041714a in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
[20:37:58] [debug] #9 0040eb8b in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
[20:37:58] [debug] #10 0040ec46 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
[20:37:58] [debug] #11 009b261c in _ZN6RakNet9BitStream11WriteVectorIfEEvT_S2_S2_ () from plugins/YSF.so
[20:37:58] [debug] #12 009b1e32 in _Z15RebuildSyncDataPN6RakNet9BitStreamEt () from plugins/YSF.so
[20:37:58] [debug] #13 009b6563 in _ZN14CHookRakServer4SendEPvPN6RakNet9BitStreamE14P acketPriority17PacketReliabilityj8PlayerIDb () from plugins/YSF.so

check this please

Interesting. This was the exact place I have edited previously to fix an assertion fail, but that shouldn't be the cause of this... Are you sure you are running the latest version? If yes, send me your /lib/libc.so.6 and try this version for additional stack trace: YSF.so.

Originally Posted by sprtik
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Interesting. This was the exact place I have edited previously to fix an assertion fail, but that shouldn't be the cause of this... Are you sure you are running the latest version? If yes, send me your /lib/libc.so.6 and try this version for additional stack trace: YSF.so.
I used the latest version and I put again the R17 and its fixed.
I cant check this because this crash my server and I lost players and information.

There is only AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer. It's commented out by now, so I guess it's either unfixed or untested.
native AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer(objectplayer, objectid, attachplayer, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ);
You may try if it works, if you want.

Originally Posted by sprtik
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There is only AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer. It's commented out by now, so I guess it's either unfixed or untested.
native AttachPlayerObjectToPlayer(objectplayer, objectid, attachplayer, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ);
You may try if it works, if you want.
And how to make visibility for all?

hmm, I renew my proposal.

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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Hello, is it possible to add ?
PHP код:
CallRemoteFunctionFS(const name[], const function[], const format[], {Float,_}:...);
//name - filterscript/gamemode name 

Originally Posted by me1m
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And how to make visibility for all?
Well, create one object for every player. That's how streamers work, isn't it?

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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hmm, I renew my proposal.
Hmm, that might be useful, but I'd rather release it in a separate plugin I develop entirely used for calling callbacks via different methods.

GetVehicleAngularVelocity does not seem to work correctly , If you didn't know that already..

Originally Posted by Infra
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GetVehicleAngularVelocity does not seem to work correctly , If you didn't know that already..
I see, I've also specified a wrong vector there, it instead returns the normal velocity. The function will be removed in the next release.

I really like that you're adding more low-level functions and callbacks because they allow us to be more creative. You should rename OnOutcomeScmEvent to OnOutcomingScmEvent, right now it just sounds a bit wrong. I'm not judging though as we're both brom the eastern side of Europe and my english isn't perfect as well.

Originally Posted by sprtik
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Well, create one object for every player. That's how streamers work, isn't it?
SetObjectMaterialText doesn't properly updates the

Is there any way to use the scale parameters from SetPlayerAttachedObject on normal objects?
Would be great if you could do some "research"

Originally Posted by Infra
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Is there any way to use the scale parameters from SetPlayerAttachedObject on normal objects?
Would be great if you could do some "research"

Originally Posted by Infra
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Is there any way to use the scale parameters from SetPlayerAttachedObject on normal objects?
Would be great if you could do some "research"
It would certainly be useful, but I am afraid it's not possible. The scale parameters would be sent via some RPC but there's no code for it. If there was one, it would already be available via a Pawn function. You can't do much solely from the server side.

In kurta999's version I experienced a problem when using the plugin in conjunction with the FCNPC plugin. Sometimes PLAYER_STATE_WASTED was not being set when an npc killed you by shooting at you. In this version this problem is fixed. Thank you for this update!

in plugin possible to add SetPlayerCommandClient(playerid, cmd[]); ?
add customer orders samp

There is SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer function in samp, but there is not reset/clear function, so here is a suggestion, add ResetPlayersMarkersForPlayer(playerid) and maybe GetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid) - if Set function is not used, return global player marker color.

Oh and add tar.gz release for linux users.

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