18.08.2009, 12:50

► Avaible Functions
√ - Simple Anti Cheat
√ - This script check the players for AFK.
√ - Set Player name to: [AFK]_PlayerName (Ex: [AFK]_HACKHERS)
√ - If someone write: /afk he will be in AFK Mode.
√ - 2 TextDraw for Players in AFK Mode
√ - Position automatically saved for back
√ - With the Typing Any Think like "/back" "F...k u" "/ll" command Who in AFK Mode Exits From AFK.
√ - Automatically Freeze and Unfreeze.
√ - Automatically send message For entering AFK Mode (Ex: HackherS-AFK: "HACKHERS" is now in AFK!).
√ - List for Players In AFK Mode!
√ - If Player in Vehicle as Driver When Player Exiting AFK Mode Their Vehicle Gives Back!
√ - Using Anti-DeAmx...
► Avaible Commands
√ - /AFK - Enter in AFK Mode
√ - /AFKlist - Show list for Players in AFK Mode
► Credits
%30= _[HuN]_Epsilon_ For Creating [FS / INC] Euro - AFK System By: Epsilon
%60 HACKHERS For Fixing Bugs Addeng Codes Remove Some Think and Click new For Making New Pwn
%10 Kye For Rease Making SA:MP
► Bugs
I'm Tested Every Think But If you found please let me know!
► Download
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RapidShare - Pwn + Amx
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