Originally Posted by KevinExec
You are an idiot. Stock tells the compiler that the function may also not be used and compiler takes more time to compile the script.
Negative, 1,326 stock functions compiles in 0.2 seconds on my PC. The difference is vastly MINOR, most people hardly have 300 functions in their gamemodes. Not to mention that 1,066 stock functions (random number, tested however) compiles in 0.1 seconds on my end.
Originally Posted by Private200
Yes, it does. Just check main thread and it explains you why.
You are going to have a fresh script with less functions, faster gamemode loading.
Also negative, it's useless to point out things without prior testing. It definitely WON'T be faster, stock functions are left out of the .amx file (the file which the server uses on execution), as if they didn't exist in the source code (.pwn file).
To the date, there is no proof that using "stock" has any impact on the server's performance whatsoever, so why bother giving false claims out? Show your evidence instead.
With or without using "stock", your server WILL perform the same, and even if you have a "cluttered" gamemode (source code). However, whether having a cluttered gamemode or not depends on the programmer. I use the keyword "stock" when creating functions and in dispute of that, I do not leave unused functions laying around.
So, yeah... I do agree that when creating a function (in gamemodes and filterscripts) the keyword "stock" is not a requirement, though. BUT, when there are no differences between using it or not (as long as the user knows the keyword's purpose/use), then people should be able to use "stock" without being told otherwise.
I would also like to say something about this:
Originally Posted by Pottus
Why even do that? Just put #define Function at the top of your script then.
Function Test();
A lot of people prefer to use "stock" instead of a define due to terms of ease and laziness (for people that uses "stock" when writing functions). I don't want to be bringing/passing that define all around the place.
And dispute the fact that there is no difference in using stock or that define, so why should people do that anyway?