11.02.2016, 22:02
What's the best way of detecting if a the driver of a vehicle hit another (occupied) vehicle using drive by? I was going to use OnPlayerWeaponShot or GetPlayerLastShotVectors, but they both still doesn't work with driver driveby.
So what is the most efficient and reliable method of detecting when this occurs? I'm not interested in the amount of damage caused, just that X hit Ys vehicle using drive by.
Cheers for any help/advice.
What's the best way of detecting if a the driver of a vehicle hit another (occupied) vehicle using drive by? I was going to use OnPlayerWeaponShot or GetPlayerLastShotVectors, but they both still doesn't work with driver driveby.
So what is the most efficient and reliable method of detecting when this occurs? I'm not interested in the amount of damage caused, just that X hit Ys vehicle using drive by.
Cheers for any help/advice.