Suggestions for future SA:MP updates

I have 2 suggestions:
1st - upside down camera
2nd - 3D Holograms where text, textdraw and dialogs can be used as well (pictures probably too)

1. Attaching vehicle A to vehicle B.
pawn Код:
by PosXYZ I mean offsets of the vehicle. Would work same as AttachObjectToVehicle

2. FreezeMoveable. Basically it wont allow player to move, but it will allow him to aim,move his mouse around, shoot. You are freezing players movement but not his abilities. It could be usefull for some stuff like players shooting from vehicles open trunks etc. etc. etc.

3. GetAudioStreamInfo. It would give us informations based on the audostream we are playing. Currently we have that small textdraw at the bottom of the screen about whats current song on etc. etc but ability to get that information and send it over clientmessage.
pawn Код:
4. Ghostmode for players. Same as ghostmode for vehicles, just for players. Aka disabled collisions.

Originally Posted by MyDoggie
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Add like, server link scripts.. you know when
you type like:
/joinserver <ip> <port>
Useless idea!
It will be abused and yeah hackers will try to evade with this (NOPE! | No need it!)

Originally Posted by TwinkiDaBoss
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1. Attaching vehicle A to vehicle B.
pawn Код:
by PosXYZ I mean offsets of the vehicle. Would work same as AttachObjectToVehicle
Forgive me if Im wrong but isnt that the use of AttachTrailerToVehicle.And whats the use of attaching a vehicle to another vehicle to position different from its trailer hitch.

Originally Posted by BGTrucker
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Forgive me if Im wrong but isnt that the use of AttachTrailerToVehicle.And whats the use of attaching a vehicle to another vehicle to position different from its trailer hitch.
There's one thing you overlook... The car truck in SA, can't hold a car on it reliably... With this function, it would start being possible.

Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa
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Useless idea!
It will be abused and yeah hackers will try to evade with this (NOPE! | No need it!)
Don't you hate having to close your client to join new servers? This is what this would fix.

Now what was that about hackers "evading" with this? It'll do nothing of the sort.

1. Possible to make working attached weapons on vehicles.
Like attaching a M4 to a Infernus.

2. And also make it possible to create working weapons attached to the ground, such as a minigun base.

3. Attach a player to a object/vehicle. Usefull if you should drive by/shot from a vehicle, such as a helicopter.
And also in a flatbed/pickup vehicle.

And as I have said before, please sync all weapons.

Edit: And also choose wich type of vehicle you want to spawn.

I mean there's like trucks with example creates on it's flatbed and without, like the truck Flatbed (id 455).
It's a good example of what I mean.

So you could choose wich of them you want to use

This can be good if the player perfers the other version and also if you have attached something on the flatbed for

Add horse object and make it ridable.

An in-game gameplay recorder would be great/awesome!

Originally Posted by DeadDon
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Add horse object and make it ridable.
This made my day.

I would like to see an OnObjectCollision(objectid, type, id) callback.
Which detects Object collisions with other players, vehicles, objects.
I made an object and moved it to a player, when the object collide with a player this callback gets called, however this type will be something like: OBJECT_COLLISION_TYPE_PLAYER, OBJECT_COLLISION_TYPE_VEHICLE, OBJECT_COLLISION_TYPE_OBJECT.

Originally Posted by Wizzard2H
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Why prepare food when you can buy ?
More like: Why try to build your own wrench to fix up your sink, when you can buy or borrow one?

You have companies with years in developing video recording and editing software.
There's no point in building one yourself. It's a waste of time and resources.
Let's not forget the fact that there is free recording/editing software out there.

Recording player movement, would actually be a good idea.
Single Player has it, but it's primitive and you don't really have control over it.

A function to manually remove vehicle parts would be nice. Like the new window feature, but for all possible vehicle components. Bonus points if you add damaged states.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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More like: Why try to build your own wrench to fix up your sink, when you can buy or borrow one?
wizzard2h's made more sense lol

OnPlayerHoverTextDraw(playerid, textid)
OnPlayerExitHoverTextDraw(playerid, textid)

Since the object suggestion thread was closed, I'll use this one. Add this:

Add tornado objects, one for each tornado grade.
I know their grade is not just bout size, but hell, we could use some diversity.

Just large objects with no collision. Using these would could script some nice extreme weather.

in game voice chat will be good

Originally Posted by Sreyas
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in game voice chat will be good
Imagine how 200 players online would sound.

Originally Posted by HeLiOn_PrImE
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Since the object suggestion thread was closed, I'll use this one. Add this:

Add tornado objects, one for each tornado grade.
I know their grade is not just bout size, but hell, we could use some diversity.

Just large objects with no collision. Using these would could script some nice extreme weather.
Could be good, speaking of objects a non rotating version of money bundle(model ID 1212) and a stacked money object would be nice to have. We could do stuff like this:


SetServerInformationBoxImage(infoboxid, image_link);
ShowServerInformationBox(infoboxid, string[]);
CreateServerInformationBox(infoboxid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:TextX, Float:TextZ, Float:TextY);
SetPlayerInformationBoxImage(playerid,p_infoboxid, image_link);
ShowPlayerInformationBox(playerid,p_infoboxid, string[]);
CreatePlayerInformationBox(playerid,p_infoboxid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:TextX, Float:TextZ, Float:TextY);

Resize and repositioning textdraw automatically when player screen resolution changed.

Just like console text, player dialog ui, they will be looking smaller on 1366x768 and will be looking bigger on 800x600.

I hate when i make some textdraw on 1366x768, when i switch my resolution to another resolution, my textdraw will be looking so messy.

I thought this is a serious problem because we need to Get player screen Aspect Ratio and create different textdraw to fix it, that's very inefficient way because we need extra work to make perfect textdraw position and size.

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