15.01.2016, 17:33
Последний раз редактировалось SlowARG; 01.12.2018 в 14:50.
(Warning: I had censored some words.)
Warning: This not longer work anymore due to s*beit's update.
UPDATE: New version working (without weapon check!). This currently avoid the fix in s*beit's update.
їEl inglйs no es tu idioma? Post en espaсol (DESCONTINUADO) (por Right).
Mirar el post. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=598660)
••• Description: •••
Advanced Anti S*beit is an advanced anti cheat for SA-MP, with this your server will keep clean against cheaters. This script doesn't check camera bug (because a lot of s*beits has already patched this), pay 'n' spray, money or fall of!
••• Features: •••
• AntiRiC (Toggleable): Protect against accidentally write the RCON password or RCON commands in chat.
• AutoKick (Toggleable): Can auto-kick cheaters.
• Multicheck (Toggleable): Can check players in their all spawn instead only the first spawn.
• AntiAFK (Toggleable): Kick AFKers/Lagers that want to avoid the check-up.
• AntiPause (Toggleable): Kick AFKers/Pausers/Minimizers that want to avoid the check-up.
• AdminChat (Toggleable): A special admin chat for admins, this can be utilized from chat (#text) or from the menu.
• Admin Chat Key: Change the admin chat key (def: #) from the configs.
• Inverse Calls (Toggleable): Remote Functions that the filterscript call FROM the gamemode.
• Remote Functions: Remote Functions that the gamemode call FROM the filterscript.
• Super Admin Menu: A menu for "high-level" admins with special featuers (such as enable/disable the comprobation).
• Save/load configs dynamically: You can save the current config from the menu, the config will be loaded automatically and will be loaded if the server reboot.
• Other things...
••• Inverse functions at the moment: •••
• Admin System (Toggleable): With this function you can use your Gamemode's/Filterscript's admin system with Advanced Anti S*beit!
••• Example configuration: •••
••• Remote Calls: •••
••• Images (1000x562): •••
Full Size Album: Click here!
••• Dependences: •••
• SA-MP 0.3.7 or eighter. (http://sa-mp.com/download.php)
• Zeex's Pawn Compiler Patches. (https://github.com/Zeex/pawn/releases)
• Zeex's AMX Assembly. (https://github.com/Zeex/amx_assembly)
• YSI 4. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570884)
• I-ZCMD. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=576114)
• New SA-MP Callbacks. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=490436)
• GPDID. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=283790)
••• Downloads: •••
Removed due a GPLv3 license violation.
Explain: Other kiddie just released another "anti s*beit" with my method without give credits to people below. Anyway, he published "his" code AFTER the s*beit's update. His code will not work with the newest s*beit.
••• Credits: •••
Main Scripter: Slow_ARG.
Scripter and traductor: Right.
Thanks to: Lonalchemik, Mauzen, iJumbo, Razvann, lamarr007, LuiisRubio, imftb, adri1, alex15, ******, Zeex, Lordzy, Emmet_, wups, Yashas, Misiur, ipsNan, DabvAstur, Corelli.
This is all... If you will use it, please respect all credits. Thanks!
Advanced Anti S*beit
Keep your server clean againt cheaters!
Current version: 3.0a.Keep your server clean againt cheaters!
Warning: This not longer work anymore due to s*beit's update.
UPDATE: New version working (without weapon check!). This currently avoid the fix in s*beit's update.
їEl inglйs no es tu idioma? Post en espaсol (DESCONTINUADO) (por Right).
Mirar el post. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=598660)
••• Description: •••
Advanced Anti S*beit is an advanced anti cheat for SA-MP, with this your server will keep clean against cheaters. This script doesn't check camera bug (because a lot of s*beits has already patched this), pay 'n' spray, money or fall of!
••• Features: •••
• AntiRiC (Toggleable): Protect against accidentally write the RCON password or RCON commands in chat.
• AutoKick (Toggleable): Can auto-kick cheaters.
• Multicheck (Toggleable): Can check players in their all spawn instead only the first spawn.
• AntiAFK (Toggleable): Kick AFKers/Lagers that want to avoid the check-up.
• AntiPause (Toggleable): Kick AFKers/Pausers/Minimizers that want to avoid the check-up.
• AdminChat (Toggleable): A special admin chat for admins, this can be utilized from chat (#text) or from the menu.
• Admin Chat Key: Change the admin chat key (def: #) from the configs.
• Inverse Calls (Toggleable): Remote Functions that the filterscript call FROM the gamemode.
• Remote Functions: Remote Functions that the gamemode call FROM the filterscript.
• Super Admin Menu: A menu for "high-level" admins with special featuers (such as enable/disable the comprobation).
• Save/load configs dynamically: You can save the current config from the menu, the config will be loaded automatically and will be loaded if the server reboot.
• Other things...
••• Inverse functions at the moment: •••
• Admin System (Toggleable): With this function you can use your Gamemode's/Filterscript's admin system with Advanced Anti S*beit!
••• Example configuration: •••
Originally Posted by Configuration
Enabled = 1 # By enabling this option the s*beit comprobation will start with the server. AntiSpawnKill = 1 # Anti SpawnKill will protect check-in players from SpawnKill. TextDraw = 1 # The Textdraw will cover the check-in player's screen with a black color during the comprobation. AutoKick = 0 # With this, all checked players WITH s*beit will be auto kicked. MultiCheck = 0 # Multi Check allows you to check all players in their spawns. AntiAFK = 0 # Anti AFK will protect your server of AFKers check-in players. AntiPause = 0 # Anti Pause will ensure that the player WILL BE checked. If he/she pause, his/her will be auto kicked. AntiRiC = 1 # RCON in Chat protect you from accidentally type a rcon command (or the rcon password) in chat. AdminChat = 1 # Determinate if the Admin Chat (of the script) will be enabled or disabled. [other] SAPassword = changeme # The Super Admin Password allow you to control ALL functions in the script. AdminChatKey = # # This will set a key for the admin chat. InverseRF_Admin = 0 # This line allow you to use "Inverse Remote Functions: Admin". |
stock playerWasChecked(playerid) # Return 1 if the player was checked or 0 if wasn't. stock playerIsCheater(playerid) # Return 1 if the player is cheater or 0 if not. stock playerIsSuperAdminLogged(playerid) # Return 1 if the player is Super Admin (logged) or 0 if not. stock playerVariable(playerid, vartype) # Return the value of any player's variable of this script. stock AASVariable(playerid, vartype) # Return the value of any AAS's variable. |
Full Size Album: Click here!
••• Dependences: •••
• SA-MP 0.3.7 or eighter. (http://sa-mp.com/download.php)
• Zeex's Pawn Compiler Patches. (https://github.com/Zeex/pawn/releases)
• Zeex's AMX Assembly. (https://github.com/Zeex/amx_assembly)
• YSI 4. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570884)
• I-ZCMD. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=576114)
• New SA-MP Callbacks. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=490436)
• GPDID. (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=283790)
••• Downloads: •••
Removed due a GPLv3 license violation.
Explain: Other kiddie just released another "anti s*beit" with my method without give credits to people below. Anyway, he published "his" code AFTER the s*beit's update. His code will not work with the newest s*beit.
••• Credits: •••
Main Scripter: Slow_ARG.
Scripter and traductor: Right.
Thanks to: Lonalchemik, Mauzen, iJumbo, Razvann, lamarr007, LuiisRubio, imftb, adri1, alex15, ******, Zeex, Lordzy, Emmet_, wups, Yashas, Misiur, ipsNan, DabvAstur, Corelli.
This is all... If you will use it, please respect all credits. Thanks!
