After about 2-3 years, i can to visit this place again.

I don't exactly recall how long has it been since i've left but i must say, seeing many old guys active even one made me feel so happy (ie Mauzen, Pottus, Nero 3D, iZN and a lot more guys whose name i don't remember). So, anyway i want to ask this, how is SAMP now? is there still constant rate of players or has it reduced a lot? And the people i've mentioned above, what's your view on SAMP now? :3

yep the samp is still alive

I think for me atleast, it has died down for me. I've lost interest in it, the last time I probably played SA-MP was about 2 years ago, and that was my own server. I'm only here, visiting this forum like a lurker most of the time, I only post when I feel like. I'm not sure how much "active" is it nowadays, but I feel like the older players have moved on to something else.

I'm mostly active over at IRC. Busy with stuff which is much more important than SA-MP but SA-MP gave me something, my profession in IT and studies in university.

Originally Posted by iZN
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I think for me atleast, it has died down for me. I've lost interest in it, the last time I probably played SA-MP was about 2 years ago, and that was my own server. I'm only here, visiting this forum like a lurker most of the time, I only post when I feel like. I'm not sure how much "active" is it nowadays, but I feel like the older players have moved on to something else.

I'm mostly active over at IRC. Busy with stuff which is much more important than SA-MP but SA-MP gave me something, my profession in IT and studies in university.
Like your Quote , And Meaning in it

more like 9 months since your last post. lol.

Originally Posted by iZN
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I think for me atleast, it has died down for me. I've lost interest in it, the last time I probably played SA-MP was about 2 years ago, and that was my own server. I'm only here, visiting this forum like a lurker most of the time, I only post when I feel like. I'm not sure how much "active" is it nowadays, but I feel like the older players have moved on to something else.

I'm mostly active over at IRC. Busy with stuff which is much more important than SA-MP but SA-MP gave me something, my profession in IT and studies in university.
I feel the same, but in all reality it's just for us oldies I think. We may be getting too old..

Dude, you haven't even been gone a year. Of course nothing much has changed.


Did he finish the "Get Pos of where you aim" project?

It's called ColAndreas, and I maintain it now since Pottus is putting more time into life outside of SA-MP. I also took over Texture Studio. Both of these are in my signature.

Originally Posted by iZN
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I think for me atleast, it has died down for me. I've lost interest in it, the last time I probably played SA-MP was about 2 years ago, and that was my own server. I'm only here, visiting this forum like a lurker most of the time, I only post when I feel like. I'm not sure how much "active" is it nowadays, but I feel like the older players have moved on to something else.

I'm mostly active over at IRC. Busy with stuff which is much more important than SA-MP but SA-MP gave me something, my profession in IT and studies in university.
Same thing here. I lost interest in SA-MP.

I got banned a year ago from the forum for an insult (lol). And somehow it was auto and forever.. After one week of playing. I simply lost interest. I messaged SA-MP team e-mail, got no response.
Anyway, 1 week ago, I decided to return. And I made a new account to be able to message dugi, and then I got unbanned after telling him my story. So, that's basically it.
SA-MP is more like an addiction, no matter how you stay off, you'll return eventually. The problem is, the further we go in time, the servers start becoming worse & worse.. I just hope if we're back at 2013...

anyone remember me? smh

Originally Posted by Haydn
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anyone remember me? smh
yes, you were forgotten.

Originally Posted by Riddy
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yes, you were forgotten.
OUCH harsh TERMS buddy

I spent years waiting for Kalcor to be more transparent about the development of SA-MP. Let us know what he's working on, as well as when he's working on things and the possible things to come.

I know its been said he doesn't say much because people complain when it doesn't turn out to be what he said at first, but come on.

The SA-MP team is almost always quiet. When changes happen in their team its done silently, without any form of announcement.

I just wish they'd be more transparent with us, you know?

Originally Posted by Haydn
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OUCH harsh TERMS buddy
Yessssssss, I got to know Emmet_ through you!

Welcome back!

Yep, samp still is active as a game. Players numbers dropped a bit, but I guess thats the common long-term drop, followed by a huge peak when a new version is announced or a RC is released.

The forum doesnt look that well though. Activity dropped a lot, interesting threads are quite rare these days.
For a certain part this is also caused by the long time since the last update. Though its not only that. Many "important" people left samp behind in 2015, some of them cant ever be replaced by the "new generation", like Y_Less and a handful of others. I personally feel that there arent many people left to have a worthy conversation with. Most posts these days are just the "white noise" of people asking the same scripting questions for the 1234th time. And in a chain reaction this causes other people to also post less frequent.
Well, lets see where this leads to.

Originally Posted by SchurmanCQC
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I spent years waiting for Kalcor to be more transparent about the development of SA-MP. Let us know what he's working on, as well as when he's working on things and the possible things to come.

I know its been said he doesn't say much because people complain when it doesn't turn out to be what he said at first, but come on.

The SA-MP team is almost always quiet. When changes happen in their team its done silently, without any form of announcement.

I just wish they'd be more transparent with us, you know?
Kalcor recently made a few very interesting posts about possible future plans for samp, was really surprised to read that.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Welcome back!

Yep, samp still is active as a game. Players numbers dropped a bit, but I guess thats the common long-term drop, followed by a huge peak when a new version is announced or a RC is released.

The forum doesnt look that well though. Activity dropped a lot, interesting threads are quite rare these days.
For a certain part this is also caused by the long time since the last update. Though its not only that. Many "important" people left samp behind in 2015, some of them cant ever be replaced by the "new generation", like Y_Less and a handful of others. I personally feel that there arent many people left to have a worthy conversation with. Most posts these days are just the "white noise" of people asking the same scripting questions for the 1234th time. And in a chain reaction this causes other people to also post less frequent.
Well, lets see where this leads to.

Kalcor recently made a few very interesting posts about possible future plans for samp, was really surprised to read that.
I am glad that I am not the only one who have noticed the forums user base drop. Its quite notable especially that the only section that has new threads is "Scripting Help" nowadays.

Could you direct me to the posts Kalcor made though? I've been looking but I couldn't find them.

Originally Posted by kalcor
I have said that SA-MP would be open sourced eventually. There would be no reason to keep the source closed. The question has been when is a good time to do it. The fear with open sourcing previously has been that with the popularity of the mod, SA-MP could branch in to several forks and the community would be split between them and it would die due to people not having a central meeting place to get new servers/communities off the ground.
I was thinking of this one mostly. Its just a few sentences, but from that it seems like samp is going to be made open-source soon. Prior to this post I was pretty sure that this wont ever happen, but now I think that 0.4 might be the last version released by Kalcor alone. Developement drastically slowed down during the last few years, making samp open-source would be a logical solution for that, IMO the community is (still) strong enough to handle this. This might even get some old users out of their caves.

remember me mate?

Originally Posted by Krest
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more like 9 months since your last post. lol.
but left playing SAMP like 2 years .-.

Originally Posted by Crayder
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Dude, you haven't even been gone a year. Of course nothing much has changed.

It's called ColAndreas, and I maintain it now since Pottus is putting more time into life outside of SA-MP. I also took over Texture Studio. Both of these are in my signature.
How's the progress on ColAndreas? Last time i heard was it had quite some bugs. (also it doesnt feel like < a year for me cuz i

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Welcome back!

Yep, samp still is active as a game. Players numbers dropped a bit, but I guess thats the common long-term drop, followed by a huge peak when a new version is announced or a RC is released.

The forum doesnt look that well though. Activity dropped a lot, interesting threads are quite rare these days.
For a certain part this is also caused by the long time since the last update. Though its not only that. Many "important" people left samp behind in 2015, some of them cant ever be replaced by the "new generation", like Y_Less and a handful of others. I personally feel that there arent many people left to have a worthy conversation with. Most posts these days are just the "white noise" of people asking the same scripting questions for the 1234th time. And in a chain reaction this causes other people to also post less frequent.
Well, lets see where this leads to.

Kalcor recently made a few very interesting posts about possible future plans for samp, was really surprised to read that.
Noticed Y_Less had left, felt a bit bad about it. What is he doing now?

Originally Posted by iMTube™
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remember me mate?
I don't think so xd.

And btw mauzen, did you make any new projects? I loved your projects, there were unique.


How's the progress on ColAndreas? Last time i heard was it had quite some bugs.

I don't recall it ever having bugs... xD

The exporting wizard had some problems, but that was fixed a long time ago. It all works perfectly fine now.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Originally Posted by Kalcor
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I have said that SA-MP would be open sourced eventually. There would be no reason to keep the source closed. The question has been when is a good time to do it. The fear with open sourcing previously has been that with the popularity of the mod, SA-MP could branch in to several forks and the community would be split between them and it would die due to people not having a central meeting place to get new servers/communities off the ground.
Maybe, a better idea would be to make an SA-MP organization at GitHub and provide access to the source code to only trusted members. I can think of 12321321312398239480234 problems which need to be addressed before SA-MP goes open source.

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