problem clicking a textdraw after using a dialog


I am using the skinselection that comes with the sa-mp package.
I made it so that when you connect skinselection would pop up and you can select a skin.
Oh and the skinselection is disabled using Emmets awesome include

Everything worked fine untill i added an admin system that uses a dialog to register and login.
The dialog returns fine and the skinselection shows...even when i hover over the skins with my arrow i see
that it works.

Unfortunatly i cant click anything so i cant spawn.

I tried to set a timer so the selection would take a while after the dialog but that also didnt help.
if i just remove the dialog it works but yea thats not what i want.

Any idea whats happening here ?

Try showing the skin selection on OnPlayerSpawn.

thanks i just tried but it had no use.

Okay i just disabled the whole dialog and it still doesnt work. i saw another topic with a simular problem he is using YSI ..i am using y_ini ..i cant believe that should be the problem though.

are you using a new dialog each time?
Or are you using old dialogs to replace the new dialogs

/skins (Displays a list of skin ids)
then when you use
/chooseskin (Brings up the skinds dialog to choose)

Is it displaying skins with chooseskins?

If so
Define the dialog as a new dialog ID
I normally reference with
dialog[0] = 0;

I use to had similar problems with YSI 3 which screwed OnPlayerClickTextDraw (i don't use YSI now, though).

I guess you should check if any of your scripts isn't disabling the callback to be called.
If not that, then check your libraries/includes.

I just tried to work around it so that the register/login dialog opens after the clickable textdraw.
doesnt look that sweet because its a skinselecter but for some reason it works.

Thanks Gammix i will search threw my includes anyway.

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