Small question about cache variable


I've been using the cache variable like this whenever i need to fetch the result from the db.

PHP Code:
IRCCMD:setofflevel(botidchannel[], user[], host[], params[]) {
IRC_IsOp(botidchanneluser)) {
sscanf(params"s[24]i"paramslvl)) return IRC_GroupSay(groupIDIRC_CHANNEL"4[Error] Use: !setofflevel <username> <level>");
lvl 6) return IRC_GroupSay(groupIDIRC_CHANNEL"4[Error] Invalid level.");
IRC_GroupSay(groupIDIRC_CHANNEL"4[Error] This user is currently online.");
Query("SELECT `nick` FROM `users` WHERE `nick`='%e' ORDER BY `id`"params);
result mysql_query(mysqlquery);
cache_get_row_count()) {
IRC_GroupSay(groupIDIRC_CHANNEL"4[Error] The account with this username doesn't exist.");
tmplvl cache_get_field_content_int(0"level");
lvl == tmplvl) {
IRC_GroupSay(groupIDIRC_CHANNEL"4[Error] This user already has that level.");
lvl tmplvl || lvl tmplvl)
id cache_get_field_content_int(0"id"), string[100];
Query("UPDATE `users` SET `level`='%i' WHERE `id`='%i'"lvlid);
format:string("3[Info] You have set %s's admin level to %i"paramslvl);

I want to know if the way I am doing it is right or not? If someone can explain me about how to use it and how it functions, I'd be thankful.

Why would you cache it? Do you really want to use it all in one single command without multi-threading your queries? If that's really necessary for you, then use y_inline library from YSF or just create a public for SELECT queries. If you need to understand threaded queries, then ****** it and find out everything you need. It is recommended to DO NOT do it your way.

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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Why would you cache it? Do you really want to use it all in one single command without multi-threading your queries? If that's really necessary for you, then use y_inline library from YSF or just create a public for SELECT queries. If you need to understand threaded queries, then ****** it and find out everything you need. It is recommended to DO NOT do it your way.
Well, as I said I don't know how this works that's why I am asking here, the reason why I am using it is because, according to wiki about mysql_query I saw this


It's highly recommended to thread all your queries (even INSERT & UPDATE).
Use cache_delete() if you don't need the query's result anymore or you will experience memory leaks.

All I want is, simply get a result from the db and utilize them. If cache is not necessary for this purpose, should I set use_cache to false with mysql_query function?

I am still pretty confused with it, I'd appreciate if you can explain me tad more.

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