25.12.2015, 14:39
Last edited by Boar; 25/12/2015 at 03:30 PM.
Taser Gun
- /taser - To get the the taser gun.
- To install:
- Download the filterscript and put it into the filterscripts folder.
- In game:
- Type /taser to get the taser gun.
- Shoot a player and he'll fall on the ground.
- The "crckdeth2" animation will be applied to the player who gets shot.
- The player who gets shot won't be able to move.
- The duration of this effect can be simply modified by changing the value of TASER_EFFECT_TIME.
- The "sword_block" animation will be applied to the player who shoots.
- The player who shoots won't be able to change weapon until the taser gun gets loaded.
- The duration of this effect can be simply modified by changing the value of TASER_GIVING_TIME.
- When a player gets shot, this audio effect will be played.
- 25/12/2015 - 17:27
- foreach is now used to go through the players online.
Nothing crazy, nothing new and it's my first script ever, but I hope it's nearly decent and that you'll help me find out what I could change to make it better.