11.12.2015, 23:29
Hello everybody,
I'm working on a job system (type of roleplay), unfortunately I am a low-level scripter, for that reason I wonder how to create on a object on the player?

What should I use?
I use these functions.. Than what?
Sorry for my English, I am Italian..
In any case I hop that someone help me!
I'm working on a job system (type of roleplay), unfortunately I am a low-level scripter, for that reason I wonder how to create on a object on the player?

What should I use?
I use these functions.. Than what?
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,0); ApplyAnimation(playerid,"BASEBALL","bat_part",4.1,1,1,0,0,0); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "text...", 10000, 3);
In any case I hop that someone help me!