errors from my pickup selection

Hi, i am getting a few errors on my pickup thing, please help me, here is the code

public OnPlayerPickupPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	if (pickupid == HealthGood)

	else if (pickupid == ArmourGood)

	else if (pickupid == ParachuteGood)

	else if (pickupid == AmmoGood)

	else if (pickupid == HealthBad)

	else if (pickupid == ArmourBad)

	else if (pickupid == ParachuteBad)

	else if (pickupid == AmmoBad)

	return 1;
And errors:

C:\Documents and Settings\Cameron Banfield\Desktop\Game-Flight DM server\gamemodes\SASDM.pwn(955) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerPickupPickup")
C:\Documents and Settings\Cameron Banfield\Desktop\Game-Flight DM server\gamemodes\SASDM.pwn(957) : error 017: undefined symbol "HealthGood"
C:\Documents and Settings\Cameron Banfield\Desktop\Game-Flight DM server\gamemodes\SASDM.pwn(40) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "healthGood"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Your problems are with capital letters.

You evidentally have "new healthGood" written somewhere, which needs to be changed to HealthGood.

Also, OnPlayerPickupPickup, should be OnPlayerPickUpPickup.

CaSe DoEs MaTtEr!

i was only copying off the wiki :P

EDIT, thanks man for pointing that out, im new to scripting, a less has been learned :P

oh yeh, one last thing, how do i set players ammo levels back to how they were when they got the weapon and how to give them a parachute?

To give players a parachute you give them weapon ID 46, I don't think the ammo matters much, anything 1 or above should work, but you'll still only get 1 parachute ingame.

Not sure what you're getting at with the ammo thing though =/

with the ammo, a player gets a certian amount of ammo per gun, and this ammount i changed so they are all different, but its fixed, dosnt change, but how can i make it so when they walk into the ammo icon, all the ammo gets restored to the origonal amount?

thats sort of like it, but it changes all of the weapons to the same ammo level

It doesn't change all the weapons, only the ones in the specified weaponslot at a certain time.

There are 12 weaponslots, listed here: [Link]

Originally Posted by Weirdosport
It doesn't change all the weapons, only the ones in the specified weaponslot at a certain time.

There are 12 weaponslots, listed here: [Link]
ah, so i could put multiple peices of the code in, iwth different weapon slots :P

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