Rigister help

and How To Make that how much rigistered in server i saw in smap server about it that making that if anyone rigigtser so it show that 2400 player rigister that one

Originally Posted by RaajParker
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and How To Make that how much rigistered in server i saw in smap server about it that making that if anyone rigigtser so it show that 2400 player rigister that one
Try to speak more cleary man. i Dont understand nothing.

I want to say that when we register in any server specially free roam so it say ....Rony made server 400 player registered that I want to say

lol, you want to echo how many players other servers have registered?

No I just give example tell that when any player register so send a silent msg to all that the particular player made server 4000 player if u r now also not understand so tmrw I will send a pic

It's not that hard to read what he wants... He wants a register system that shows how many in total have registered in the server, so when people register, or connect, it'll say "XXX unique accounts created".

OP: You need to look around, there's many tutorials on how to make a register system, and with a little bit of reading of the Pawn handbook, and the various tutorials on the forum, you'll find what you need to do.




Even though some of it will be out of date, it still holds reason and merit to be looking at it. Even if you just read it and note how code is laid out, and how functions and callbacks work.

The real reason I say this, is you've already posted 3 threads, in your eagerness to start scripting. There no doubt will be more if you don't get sent to these pages and shown where to start.

Have fun, and be sure to keep your code neat, and indented correctly... You'll see why when you hit over 100 lines or so.

(I posted this when there was only one reply on the thread, and really, it's not that hard to read what this guy really wants...)

What sew_sumi said, and then just echo the total count of unique accounts.

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