slight problem with any admin script i use..

im not sure what or why its happening but whats happening is this.
Player A who is admin crashes for one reason or another and Player B joins, Player B ends up using the id of the crashed admin and for some reason, they get their powers to..

Has anyone had this problem before, as at times there has been players in the server who arent admin and they end up abusing the admin powers..

i was using ladmin and one of seif's admin scripts yet it happened again and again, i had no choice but to lock my server, now im using Aadmin with no problems as of yet.

Can anyone suggest what i can do to sort this out?

Well as far as I know, they reset the variable OnPlayerConnect, so their filterscript should be the first one on the filterscript line in your server.cfg, or else the OnPlayerConnect will not function correctly as far as I know.

Sadmin reset variables in both connect&disconnect.
But this stiil happens to my server sometimes.
Now sadmin is second line, bad vec anti-crasher is first line.
But sadmin was first line before, and had the same prob. .

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