[Plugin] samp.js - JavaScript for SA-MP


You forgot the dialogid argument in showDialog function, look.

it should be:
PHP код:
return ShowPlayerDialog(this.iddialogidstylecaptioninfobutton1button2); 
and how to escape the string for use in SQLite functions? in pawn I use format and %q

Is it possible create a global variable to be accessible from another JS files? A kind of global variable accessible from any file

I figured out that I can simply use include function to load some JS file with a global variable xD

#another question
Can I assign a value to a new attribute of player's object, eg player.test = 1, that when the player disconnect this object will be cleared?

I noticed that when you use the function GameModeExit to reload the server, the changes made in source don't have any effect in the server until you close/open it again. It's quite bother...

Originally Posted by HardWar
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and how to escape the string for use in SQLite functions? in pawn I use format and %q
You'll be interested in:
var mysql_escape_string = function(str) {
    return str.replace(/[\0\x08\x09\x1a\n\r"'\\\%]/g, function (char) {
        switch (char) {
            case "\0":
                return "\\0";
            case "\x08":
                return "\\b";
            case "\x09":
                return "\\t";
            case "\x1a":
                return "\\z";
            case "\n":
                return "\\n";
            case "\r":
                return "\\r";
            case "\"":
            case "'":
            case "\\":
            case "%":
                return "\\"+char; // prepends a backslash to backslash, percent,
                                  // and double/single quotes

String.format = function(str, arr) {
    var i = -1;
	var callback;
    callback = function(exp, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
        if(exp=='%%') {
			return '%';
        if(arr[++i] === undefined) {
			return undefined;
        var exp  = p2 ? parseInt(p2.substr(1)) : undefined;
        var base = p3 ? parseInt(p3.substr(1)) : undefined;
        var val;
        switch(p4) {
            case 's': val = arr[i]; break;
            case 'c': val = arr[i][0]; break;
	    case 'i': val = arr[i].toString(); break;
	    case 'd': val = arr[i].toString(); break;
            case 'f': val = parseFloat(arr[i]).toFixed(exp); break;
            case 'p': val = parseFloat(arr[i]).toPrecision(exp); break;
            case 'e': val = parseFloat(arr[i]).toExponential(exp); break;
            case 'x': val = parseInt(arr[i]).toString(base?base:16); break;
            case 'd': val = parseFloat(parseInt(arr[i], base?base:10).toPrecision(exp)).toFixed(0); break;
	    case 'q': val = mysql_escape_string(arr[i]); break;
        val = (typeof(val) == 'object') ? JSON.stringify(val) : val.toString(base);
        var sz = parseInt(p1); /* padding size */
        var ch = p1 && p1[0]=='0' ? '0' : ' '; /* isnull? */
        while(val.length<sz) {
			val = p0 !== undefined ? val+ch : ch+val; /* isminus? */
		return val;
    var regex = /%(-)?(0?[0-9]+)?([.][0-9]+)?([#][0-9]+)?([scfpexd])/g;
    return str.replace(regex, callback);

String.prototype.format = function() {
    return String.format(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
works similar to SAMP's format function. [https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Format]

const COLOR = {
	TEAL	: 0x008080FF

SendClientMessage(player.id, COLOR.WHITE, ("Welcome to {%06x}%s{%06x}, {%06x}%s{%06x}!").format((COLOR.TEAL >>> 8), ServerData.name, (COLOR.WHITE >>> 8), (COLOR.TEAL >>> 8), player.name, (COLOR.WHITE >>> 8)));
^ copy&paste from my code.


Originally Posted by Kamper
Посмотреть сообщение
Is it possible create a global variable to be accessible from another JS files? A kind of global variable accessible from any file

I figured out that I can simply use include function to load some JS file with a global variable xD

#another question
Can I assign a value to a new attribute of player's object, eg player.test = 1, that when the player disconnect this object will be cleared?

I noticed that when you use the function GameModeExit to reload the server, the changes made in source don't have any effect in the server until you close/open it again. It's quite bother...
include("js/SomeFunction.js"); // Includes all global variables from the path into the script.

var script = require("js/SomeFunction.js"); // Includes all exported variables into the script.

var SomeFunction = function() {
	print("This is some function");

exports = {
	SomeFunction : SomeFunction
Use a global variable instead:
var PlayerData = [];

PlayerData[player.id] = {};
PlayerData[player.id].test = 1;

PlayerData[player.id] = null; // Or if you want it to free up memory do: delete PlayerData[player.id];

Originally Posted by SkittlesAreFalling
Посмотреть сообщение
You'll be interested in:

works similar to SAMP's format function. [https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Format]

^ copy&paste from my code.
Thank you!

Originally Posted by Kamper
View Post
#another question
Can I assign a value to a new attribute of player's object, eg player.test = 1, that when the player disconnect this object will be cleared?

I noticed that when you use the function GameModeExit to reload the server, the changes made in source don't have any effect in the server until you close/open it again. It's quite bother...
Yes you can assign custom variables to the player object and it should be cleared when they disconnect

You can put reload('scriptname.js'); in the GameModeExit and it will reload the javascript file

Originally Posted by !damo!spiderman
View Post
Yes you can assign custom variables to the player object and it should be cleared when they disconnect

You can put reload('scriptname.js'); in the GameModeExit and it will reload the javascript file
Great! For me that is the best plugin ever in SA-MP! I hope you keep working on it! I'm creating a great project using SAMP.js and build some includes to contributing to it

WOW! this is great! I've just started to new script with your plugin, had same problem with non-english characters

saved .js file with encoding utf-8

$server.on("ScriptInit", function() {
	setlocale("Turkish"); // this only works on console

Originally Posted by Omer.
View Post
WOW! this is great! I've just started to new script with your plugin, had same problem with non-english characters

saved .js file with encoding utf-8

$server.on("ScriptInit", function() {
player.message("з З ğ Ğ ı İ ц Ц ş Ş ь Ь");
As far as i know samp client uses unicode... (But i may be completely wrong)

Originally Posted by DRIFT_HUNTER
View Post
As far as i know samp client uses unicode... (But i may be completely wrong)
kye says it's ANSI, I've also tried ANSI, but it gives worse result than this

!function(a){"use strict";function b(a,b){var c=(65535&a)+(65535&b),d=(a>>16)+(b>>16)+(c>>16);return d<<16|65535&c}function c(a,b){return a<<b|a>>>32-b}function d(a,d,e,f,g,h){return b(c(b(b(d,a),b(f,h)),g),e)}function e(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b&c|~b&e,a,b,f,g,h)}function f(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b&e|c&~e,a,b,f,g,h)}function g(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(b^c^e,a,b,f,g,h)}function h(a,b,c,e,f,g,h){return d(c^(b|~e),a,b,f,g,h)}function i(a,c){a[c>>5]|=128<<c%32,a[(c+64>>>9<<4)+14]=c;var d,i,j,k,l,m=1732584193,n=-271733879,o=-1732584194,p=271733878;for(d=0;d<a.length;d+=16)i=m,j=n,k=o,l=p,m=e(m,n,o,p,a[d],7,-680876936),p=e(p,m,n,o,a[d+1],12,-389564586),o=e(o,p,m,n,a[d+2],17,606105819),n=e(n,o,p,m,a[d+3],22,-1044525330),m=e(m,n,o,p,a[d+4],7,-176418897),p=e(p,m,n,o,a[d+5],12,1200080426),o=e(o,p,m,n,a[d+6],17,-1473231341),n=e(n,o,p,m,a[d+7],22,-45705983),m=e(m,n,o,p,a[d+8],7,1770035416),p=e(p,m,n,o,a[d+9],12,-1958414417),o=e(o,p,m,n,a[d+10],17,-42063),n=e(n,o,p,m,a[d+11],22,-1990404162),m=e(m,n,o,p,a[d+12],7,1804603682),p=e(p,m,n,o,a[d+13],12,-40341101),o=e(o,p,m,n,a[d+14],17,-1502002290),n=e(n,o,p,m,a[d+15],22,1236535329),m=f(m,n,o,p,a[d+1],5,-165796510),p=f(p,m,n,o,a[d+6],9,-1069501632),o=f(o,p,m,n,a[d+11],14,643717713),n=f(n,o,p,m,a[d],20,-373897302),m=f(m,n,o,p,a[d+5],5,-701558691),p=f(p,m,n,o,a[d+10],9,38016083),o=f(o,p,m,n,a[d+15],14,-660478335),n=f(n,o,p,m,a[d+4],20,-405537848),m=f(m,n,o,p,a[d+9],5,568446438),p=f(p,m,n,o,a[d+14],9,-1019803690),o=f(o,p,m,n,a[d+3],14,-187363961),n=f(n,o,p,m,a[d+8],20,1163531501),m=f(m,n,o,p,a[d+13],5,-1444681467),p=f(p,m,n,o,a[d+2],9,-51403784),o=f(o,p,m,n,a[d+7],14,1735328473),n=f(n,o,p,m,a[d+12],20,-1926607734),m=g(m,n,o,p,a[d+5],4,-378558),p=g(p,m,n,o,a[d+8],11,-2022574463),o=g(o,p,m,n,a[d+11],16,1839030562),n=g(n,o,p,m,a[d+14],23,-35309556),m=g(m,n,o,p,a[d+1],4,-1530992060),p=g(p,m,n,o,a[d+4],11,1272893353),o=g(o,p,m,n,a[d+7],16,-155497632),n=g(n,o,p,m,a[d+10],23,-1094730640),m=g(m,n,o,p,a[d+13],4,681279174),p=g(p,m,n,o,a[d],11,-358537222),o=g(o,p,m,n,a[d+3],16,-722521979),n=g(n,o,p,m,a[d+6],23,76029189),m=g(m,n,o,p,a[d+9],4,-640364487),p=g(p,m,n,o,a[d+12],11,-421815835),o=g(o,p,m,n,a[d+15],16,530742520),n=g(n,o,p,m,a[d+2],23,-995338651),m=h(m,n,o,p,a[d],6,-198630844),p=h(p,m,n,o,a[d+7],10,1126891415),o=h(o,p,m,n,a[d+14],15,-1416354905),n=h(n,o,p,m,a[d+5],21,-57434055),m=h(m,n,o,p,a[d+12],6,1700485571),p=h(p,m,n,o,a[d+3],10,-1894986606),o=h(o,p,m,n,a[d+10],15,-1051523),n=h(n,o,p,m,a[d+1],21,-2054922799),m=h(m,n,o,p,a[d+8],6,1873313359),p=h(p,m,n,o,a[d+15],10,-30611744),o=h(o,p,m,n,a[d+6],15,-1560198380),n=h(n,o,p,m,a[d+13],21,1309151649),m=h(m,n,o,p,a[d+4],6,-145523070),p=h(p,m,n,o,a[d+11],10,-1120210379),o=h(o,p,m,n,a[d+2],15,718787259),n=h(n,o,p,m,a[d+9],21,-343485551),m=b(m,i),n=b(n,j),o=b(o,k),p=b(p,l);return[m,n,o,p]}function j(a){var b,c="";for(b=0;b<32*a.length;b+=8)c+=String.fromCharCode(a[b>>5]>>>b%32&255);return c}function k(a){var b,c=[];for(c[(a.length>>2)-1]=void 0,b=0;b<c.length;b+=1)c[b]=0;for(b=0;b<8*a.length;b+=8)c[b>>5]|=(255&a.charCodeAt(b/8))<<b%32;return c}function l(a){return j(i(k(a),8*a.length))}function m(a,b){var c,d,e=k(a),f=[],g=[];for(f[15]=g[15]=void 0,e.length>16&&(e=i(e,8*a.length)),c=0;16>c;c+=1)f[c]=909522486^e[c],g[c]=1549556828^e[c];return d=i(f.concat(k(b)),512+8*b.length),j(i(g.concat(d),640))}function n(a){var b,c,d="0123456789abcdef",e="";for(c=0;c<a.length;c+=1)b=a.charCodeAt©,e+=d.charAt(b>>>4&15)+d.charAt(15&b);return e}function o(a){return unescape(encodeURIComponent(a))}function p(a){return l(o(a))}function q(a){return n(p(a))}function r(a,b){return m(o(a),o(b))}function s(a,b){return n(r(a,b))}function t(a,b,c){return b?c?r(b,a):s(b,a):c?p(a):q(a)}"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(function(){return t}):a.md5=t}(this);
md5("Hello world!"); // 86fb269d190d2c85f6e0468ceca42a20

Do not use this to store user passwords.

FCNPC.inc.js (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=428066)
const MOVE_TYPE_WALK = 0;
const MOVE_TYPE_RUN = 1;

const MAX_NODES = 64;

const NODE_TYPE_NONE = (-1);
const NODE_TYPE_PED = 0;
const NODE_TYPE_BOAT = 2;

RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnCreate", "i", "FCNPC_OnCreate", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnSpawn", "i", "FCNPC_OnSpawn", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnRespawn", "i", "FCNPC_OnRespawn", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnDeath", "iii", "FCNPC_OnDeath", ['npcid', 'killerid', 'weaponid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnVehicleEntryComplete", "iii", "FCNPC_OnVehicleEntryComplete", ['npcid', 'vehicleid', 'seat']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnVehicleExitComplete", "i", "FCNPC_OnVehicleExitComplete", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnReachDestination", "i", "FCNPC_OnReachDestination", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnFinishPlayback", "i", "FCNPC_OnFinishPlayback", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnTakeDamage", "iiiif", "FCNPC_OnTakeDamage", ['npcid', 'damagerid', 'weaponid', 'bodypart', 'health_loss']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnFinishNodePoint", "ii", "FCNPC_OnFinishNodePoint", ['npcid', 'point']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnChangeNode", "ii", "FCNPC_OnChangeNode", ['playerid', 'nodeid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnFinishNode", "i", "FCNPC_OnFinishNode", ['npcid']);

function FCNPC_SetUpdateRate(rate) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetUpdateRate", "i", rate);

function FCNPC_InitZMap(file) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_InitZMap", "s", file);

function FCNPC_Create(name) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Create", "s", name);

function FCNPC_Destroy(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Destroy", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_Spawn(npcid, skinid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Spawn", "iifff", npcid, skinid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_Respawn(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Respawn", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsSpawned(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsSpawned", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_Kill(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Kill", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsDead(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsDead", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetPosition(npcid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetPosition", "ifff", npcid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_GetPosition(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetPosition", "iFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2]};

function FCNPC_SetAngle(npcid, a) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetAngle", "if", npcid, a);

function FCNPC_GetAngle(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetAngle", "iF", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetQuaternion(npcid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetQuaternion", "iffff", npcid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_GetQuaternion(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetQuaternion", "iFFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2], a: out[3]};

function FCNPC_SetVelocity(npcid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetVelocity", "ifff", npcid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_GetVelocity(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetVelocity", "iFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2]};

function FCNPC_SetInterior(npcid, interiorid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetInterior", "ii", npcid, interiorid);

function FCNPC_GetInterior(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetInterior", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetHealth(npcid, health) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetHealth", "if", npcid, health);

function FCNPC_GetHealth(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetHealth", "iF", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetArmour(npcid, armour) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetArmour", "if", npcid, armour);

function FCNPC_GetArmour(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetArmour", "iF", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetSkin(npcid, skin) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetSkin", "ii", npcid, skin);

function FCNPC_GetSkin(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetSkin", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetWeapon(npcid, weaponid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetWeapon", "ii", npcid, weaponid);

function FCNPC_GetWeapon(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetWeapon", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetAmmo(npcid, ammo) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetAmmo", "ii", npcid, ammo);

function FCNPC_GetAmmo(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetAmmo", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetKeys(npcid, keys) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetKeys", "ii", npcid, keys);

function FCNPC_GetKeys(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetKeys", "iIII", npcid);
	return {updown: out[0], leftright: out[1], keys: out[2]};

function FCNPC_SetSpecialAction(npcid, actionid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetSpecialAction", "ii", npcid, actionid);

function FCNPC_GetSpecialAction(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetSpecialAction", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_ToggleReloading(npcid, toggle) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ToggleReloading", "ii", npcid, toggle);

function FCNPC_ToggleInfiniteAmmo(npcid, toggle) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ToggleInfiniteAmmo", "ii", npcid, toggle);

function FCNPC_GoTo(npcid, x, y, z, type, speed, useZMap) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GoTo", "ifffifi", npcid, x, y, z, type, speed, useZMap);

function FCNPC_Stop(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Stop", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsMoving(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsMoving", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_AimAt(npcid, x, y, z, shoot) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_AimAt", "ifffi", npcid, x, y, z, shoot);

function FCNPC_StopAim(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopAim", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_MeleeAttack(npcid, delay) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_MeleeAttack", "ii", npcid, delay);

function FCNPC_StopAttack(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopAttack", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsAiming(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsAiming", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsShooting(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsShooting", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsReloading(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsReloading", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_EnterVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seatid, type) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_EnterVehicle", "iiii", npcid, vehicleid, seatid, type);

function FCNPC_ExitVehicle(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ExitVehicle", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_PutInVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seatid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_PutInVehicle", "iii", npcid, vehicleid, seatid);

function FCNPC_RemoveFromVehicle(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_RemoveFromVehicle", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_GetVehicleID(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetVehicleID", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_GetVehicleSeat(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetVehicleSeat", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_StartPlayingPlayback(npcid, file) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StartPlayingPlayback", "is", npcid, file);

function FCNPC_StopPlayingPlayback(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopPlayingPlayback", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_PausePlayingPlayback(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_PausePlayingPlayback", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_ResumePlayingPlayback(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ResumePlayingPlayback", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_OpenNode(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_OpenNode", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_CloseNode(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_CloseNode", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_IsNodeOpen(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsNodeOpen", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_GetNodeType(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodeType", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_SetNodePoint(nodeid, point) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetNodePoint", "ii", nodeid, point);

function FCNPC_GetNodePointPosition(nodeid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodePointPosition", "iFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2]};

function FCNPC_GetNodePointCount(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodePointCount", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_GetNodeInfo(nodeid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodeInfo", "iIII", npcid);
	return {vehnodes: out[0], pednodes: out[1], navinodes: out[2]};

function FCNPC_PlayNode(npcid, nodeid, type) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_PlayNode", "iii", npcid, nodeid, type);

function FCNPC_StopPlayingNode(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopPlayingNode", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_GetZGround(x, y) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetZGround", "ffF", x, y);
Example.js (http://prntscr.com/8nhgsx)
const COLOR = {

let skittlesId = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;

let HandleServerStart = function() {
	skittlesId = FCNPC_Create("Skittles");
	return true;

let HandleServerStop = function() {
	if(skittlesId != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
	return true;

let HandlePlayerSpawn = function(player) {
	if(player.isNPC == true) {
		return true;
	let position = player.pos;
	position.o = player.facingAngle;
	// Get X Y in front of player, by Y_Less, converted to JS
	position.x += (2.5 * (Math.sin(-position.o / 180 * Math.PI)));
	position.y += (2.5 * (Math.cos(-position.o / 180 * Math.PI)));
	FCNPC_SetPosition(skittlesId, position.x, position.y, position.z);
	position.o += 180;
	if(position.o >= 360) {
		position.o -= 360;
	FCNPC_SetAngle(skittlesId, position.o);
	SendClientMessage(player.id, COLOR.WHITE, "Welcome to the server, " + player.name + "! My name is Skittles.");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCCreated = function(npcid) {
	if(FCNPC_IsSpawned(npcid) == false) {
		FCNPC_Spawn(npcid, 254, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): created.");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCSpawned = function(npcid) {
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): spawned.");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCDamage = function(npcid, playerid, weaponid, bodypart, loss) {
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): took damage (" + loss + ").");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCDeath = function(npcid, playerid, weaponid) {
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): died.");
	return true;

$server.on('PlayerSpawn', HandlePlayerSpawn);

$server.on('GameModeInit', HandleServerStart);
$server.on('GameModeExit', HandleServerStop);

$server.on('FCNPC_OnCreate', HandleFCNPCCreated);
$server.on('FCNPC_OnSpawn', HandleFCNPCSpawned);
$server.on('FCNPC_OnTakeDamage', HandleFCNPCDamage); // Added Edit #1
$server.on('FCNPC_OnDeath', HandleFCNPCDeath); // Added Edit #2
Not fully tested, please PM me if you get an error.
Note you must downgrade to 0.3.7 R1.
(Otherwise FCNPC will crash the server, sorry)
I am no longer using FCNPC, but I will keep this updated on request.

Originally Posted by SkittlesAreFalling
View Post
FCNPC.inc.js (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=428066)
const MOVE_TYPE_WALK = 0;
const MOVE_TYPE_RUN = 1;

const MAX_NODES = 64;

const NODE_TYPE_NONE = (-1);
const NODE_TYPE_PED = 0;
const NODE_TYPE_BOAT = 2;

RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnCreate", "i", "FCNPC_OnCreate", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnSpawn", "i", "FCNPC_OnSpawn", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnRespawn", "i", "FCNPC_OnRespawn", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnDeath", "iii", "FCNPC_OnDeath", ['npcid', 'killerid', 'weaponid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnVehicleEntryComplete", "iii", "FCNPC_OnVehicleEntryComplete", ['npcid', 'vehicleid', 'seat']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnVehicleExitComplete", "i", "FCNPC_OnVehicleExitComplete", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnReachDestination", "i", "FCNPC_OnReachDestination", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnFinishPlayback", "i", "FCNPC_OnFinishPlayback", ['npcid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnTakeDamage", "iiiif", "FCNPC_OnTakeDamage", ['npcid', 'damagerid', 'weaponid', 'bodypart', 'health_loss']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnFinishNodePoint", "ii", "FCNPC_OnFinishNodePoint", ['npcid', 'point']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnChangeNode", "ii", "FCNPC_OnChangeNode", ['playerid', 'nodeid']);
RegisterPublic("FCNPC_OnFinishNode", "i", "FCNPC_OnFinishNode", ['npcid']);

function FCNPC_SetUpdateRate(rate) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetUpdateRate", "i", rate);

function FCNPC_InitZMap(file) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_InitZMap", "s", file);

function FCNPC_Create(name) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Create", "s", name);

function FCNPC_Destroy(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Destroy", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_Spawn(npcid, skinid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Spawn", "iifff", npcid, skinid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_Respawn(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Respawn", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsSpawned(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsSpawned", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_Kill(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Kill", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsDead(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsDead", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetPosition(npcid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetPosition", "ifff", npcid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_GetPosition(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetPosition", "iFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2]};

function FCNPC_SetAngle(npcid, a) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetAngle", "if", npcid, a);

function FCNPC_GetAngle(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetAngle", "iF", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetQuaternion(npcid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetQuaternion", "iffff", npcid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_GetQuaternion(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetQuaternion", "iFFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2], a: out[3]};

function FCNPC_SetVelocity(npcid, x, y, z) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetVelocity", "ifff", npcid, x, y, z);

function FCNPC_GetVelocity(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetVelocity", "iFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2]};

function FCNPC_SetInterior(npcid, interiorid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetInterior", "ii", npcid, interiorid);

function FCNPC_GetInterior(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetInterior", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetHealth(npcid, health) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetHealth", "if", npcid, health);

function FCNPC_GetHealth(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetHealth", "iF", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetArmour(npcid, armour) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetArmour", "if", npcid, armour);

function FCNPC_GetArmour(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetArmour", "iF", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetSkin(npcid, skin) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetSkin", "ii", npcid, skin);

function FCNPC_GetSkin(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetSkin", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetWeapon(npcid, weaponid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetWeapon", "ii", npcid, weaponid);

function FCNPC_GetWeapon(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetWeapon", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetAmmo(npcid, ammo) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetAmmo", "ii", npcid, ammo);

function FCNPC_GetAmmo(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetAmmo", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_SetKeys(npcid, keys) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetKeys", "ii", npcid, keys);

function FCNPC_GetKeys(npcid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetKeys", "iIII", npcid);
	return {updown: out[0], leftright: out[1], keys: out[2]};

function FCNPC_SetSpecialAction(npcid, actionid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetSpecialAction", "ii", npcid, actionid);

function FCNPC_GetSpecialAction(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetSpecialAction", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_ToggleReloading(npcid, toggle) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ToggleReloading", "ii", npcid, toggle);

function FCNPC_ToggleInfiniteAmmo(npcid, toggle) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ToggleInfiniteAmmo", "ii", npcid, toggle);

function FCNPC_GoTo(npcid, x, y, z, type, speed, useZMap) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GoTo", "ifffifi", npcid, x, y, z, type, speed, useZMap);

function FCNPC_Stop(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_Stop", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsMoving(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsMoving", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_AimAt(npcid, x, y, z, shoot) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_AimAt", "ifffi", npcid, x, y, z, shoot);

function FCNPC_StopAim(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopAim", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_MeleeAttack(npcid, delay) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_MeleeAttack", "ii", npcid, delay);

function FCNPC_StopAttack(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopAttack", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsAiming(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsAiming", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsShooting(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsShooting", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_IsReloading(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsReloading", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_EnterVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seatid, type) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_EnterVehicle", "iiii", npcid, vehicleid, seatid, type);

function FCNPC_ExitVehicle(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ExitVehicle", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_PutInVehicle(npcid, vehicleid, seatid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_PutInVehicle", "iii", npcid, vehicleid, seatid);

function FCNPC_RemoveFromVehicle(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_RemoveFromVehicle", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_GetVehicleID(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetVehicleID", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_GetVehicleSeat(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetVehicleSeat", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_StartPlayingPlayback(npcid, file) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StartPlayingPlayback", "is", npcid, file);

function FCNPC_StopPlayingPlayback(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopPlayingPlayback", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_PausePlayingPlayback(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_PausePlayingPlayback", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_ResumePlayingPlayback(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_ResumePlayingPlayback", "i", npcid);

function FCNPC_OpenNode(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_OpenNode", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_CloseNode(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_CloseNode", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_IsNodeOpen(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_IsNodeOpen", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_GetNodeType(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodeType", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_SetNodePoint(nodeid, point) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_SetNodePoint", "ii", nodeid, point);

function FCNPC_GetNodePointPosition(nodeid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodePointPosition", "iFFF", npcid);
	return {x: out[0], y: out[1], z: out[2]};

function FCNPC_GetNodePointCount(nodeid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodePointCount", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_GetNodeInfo(nodeid) {
	let out = CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetNodeInfo", "iIII", npcid);
	return {vehnodes: out[0], pednodes: out[1], navinodes: out[2]};

function FCNPC_PlayNode(npcid, nodeid, type) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_PlayNode", "iii", npcid, nodeid, type);

function FCNPC_StopPlayingNode(npcid) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_StopPlayingNode", "i", nodeid);

function FCNPC_GetZGround(x, y) {
	return CallNativeGDK("FCNPC_GetZGround", "ffF", x, y);
Example.js (http://prntscr.com/8nhgsx)
const COLOR = {

let skittlesId = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;

let HandleServerStart = function() {
	skittlesId = FCNPC_Create("Skittles");
	return true;

let HandleServerStop = function() {
	if(skittlesId != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) {
	return true;

let HandlePlayerSpawn = function(player) {
	if(player.isNPC == true) {
		return true;
	let position = player.pos;
	position.o = player.facingAngle;
	// Get X Y in front of player, by Y_Less, converted to JS
	position.x += (2.5 * (Math.sin(-position.o / 180 * Math.PI)));
	position.y += (2.5 * (Math.cos(-position.o / 180 * Math.PI)));
	FCNPC_SetPosition(skittlesId, position.x, position.y, position.z);
	position.o += 180;
	if(position.o >= 360) {
		position.o -= 360;
	FCNPC_SetAngle(skittlesId, position.o);
	SendClientMessage(player.id, COLOR.WHITE, "Welcome to the server, " + player.name + "! My name is Skittles.");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCCreated = function(npcid) {
	if(FCNPC_IsSpawned(npcid) == false) {
		FCNPC_Spawn(npcid, 254, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): created.");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCSpawned = function(npcid) {
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): spawned.");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCDamage = function(npcid, playerid, weaponid, bodypart, loss) {
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): took damage (" + loss + ").");
	return true;

let HandleFCNPCDeath = function(npcid, playerid, weaponid) {
	print("NPC (" + GetPlayerName(npcid) + "): died.");
	return true;

$server.on('PlayerSpawn', HandlePlayerSpawn);

$server.on('GameModeInit', HandleServerStart);
$server.on('GameModeExit', HandleServerStop);

$server.on('FCNPC_OnCreate', HandleFCNPCCreated);
$server.on('FCNPC_OnSpawn', HandleFCNPCSpawned);
$server.on('FCNPC_OnTakeDamage', HandleFCNPCDamage); // Added Edit #1
$server.on('FCNPC_OnDeath', HandleFCNPCDeath); // Added Edit #2
Note you must downgrade to 0.3.7 R1.
(Otherwise FCNPC will crash the server, sorry)
Nice job!(Even though I am not personally using samp.js, I am sure others will be able to put this to use good use).

Originally Posted by Abagail
View Post
Nice job!(Even though I am not personally using samp.js, I am sure others will be able to put this to use good use).
I plan on releasing a traffic system and zombie apocalypse system using only SAMP.js and FCNPC.
Look out for it in the near future.

here some utils:
var IsNumeric = function(input) {
    return (input - 0) == input && (''+input).trim().length > 0;
var ReturnUser = function(text) {
    if(IsNumeric(text)) {
        return $players[text];
    } else {
        let found = [];
        for(let player of $players) {
            if(player.name.indexOf(text) != -1) {
        return found.length == 1 ? found[0] : found;
example usage for ReturnUser:
$server.on("PlayerCommandText", function(player, text){ 
    let args = text.split(' '); 
    let cmd = args.shift(); 

    switch(cmd) {
        case '/pm': { 
                SendClientMessage( player, -1, "/pm [playerid/Part of Name] [message]"); 
                return 1;   

            let arg1 = args.shift();
            let target = ReturnUser(arg1);

            if(!target) {
                return player.message(-1, "Couldn't find " + arg1);
            if(Array.isArray(target)) {
                return player.message(-1, "Found matches: " + _.pluck(target, "id").join(", ")); // include underscore.js
            msg = args.join(' '); 
            SendClientMessage(target.id, -1, `PM from ${player.name}: ${msg}`); 
            return 1; 
    return 0;

Originally Posted by Omer.
View Post
var IsNumeric = function(input) {
    return (input - 0) == input && (''+input).trim().length > 0;
I like the ReturnUser function.

You can simply:
var IsNumeric = function(test) {
    return (isNaN(parseFloat(test)) == false && isFinite(test) == true);
That way you can also test if a string "123" is a number or even a float "69.1994".


print([ IsNumeric("test"), IsNumeric(true), IsNumeric("69"), IsNumeric("19.94") ]); // { 0: false, 1: false, 2: true, 3: true }


Originally Posted by SkittlesAreFalling
View Post
You can simply:
var IsNumeric = function(test) {
    return (isNaN(parseFloat(test)) == false && isFinite(test) == true);
That way you can also test if a string "123" is a number or even a float "69.1994".
isFinite is nice, but my function works well with floats too

Will development continue for this plugin, or is it in a somewhat stable state?

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