16.09.2015, 18:25

today I present my 2nd filterscript, as you can see its name says, is a simple filterscript radios, but it is not a common radio FS with it besides you can hear all these lists of radio stations you can also get your own radio, just click "Search New Radio" and put the IP which you want the radio you want to listen, and more, in addition to pursue their own radio, you can add it to your favorite radio, so need not be seeking a new radio whenever you log back or something, to add the radio as a favorite, her rбdio is saved in your account and when you enter the server just type / radio and clicking "My favorite Radio", automatically will touch one radio that you sought and added as a favorite, moreover the rcon logged in administrator can change the IP's of Ingame radios, no longer need to turn off your server to update their radios! rcon logged in just type / radio click "Settings", then immediately choose the IP radio you want to update and change the IP to which you wish, simple and practical.
How to install!
Download the filterscript which is the topic description, then open your gamemode and place the folder "IGRadios" within the scriptfiles folder, then immediately take the downloaded file "[IG] Radios.amx" and put inside the filterscripts folder, set in his "Server.cfg" and ready the filterscript is already installed!

Logged In Rcon!


| Igor Luiz |Filterscript creator
| ZeeX |Include the creator ZCMD
Posted PT / BR: IG'Rбdios v1.0
Sorry: Translated by ****** translator ^^

Logged In Rcon!


| Igor Luiz |Filterscript creator
| ZeeX |Include the creator ZCMD
Posted PT / BR: IG'Rбdios v1.0
Sorry: Translated by ****** translator ^^