How to define multiple Objects at once

Hey guys... I am basically new to scripting(I have no intentions of learning pwn), so I am basically a mapper, But when you come to 'SetObjectMaterial' you need to script that, so I was wondering if we can define multiple objects at once for example:

new object;

object = CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);
CreateObject(7497, 1066.41406, 2110.75781, 14.41406, 356.85840, 0.00000, 3.14159);

so when I change their texture I would simple do

SetObjectMaterial(object, 0, 18202, "w_towncs_t", "hatwall256hi", 0xFFFFFFFF);

it will change the texture of all the defined Objects.

Please if I didn't do it right(the define part) please correct me, It would really help me and yeah, There is a 1 rep in helping me <3

pawn Код:
for(new i = object; i < last_created_object+1; i++)
    if(GetObjectModel(i) == 7497) // if model is 7497
        SetObjectMaterial(i, 0, 18202, "w_towncs_t", "hatwall256hi", 0xFFFFFFFF);

Can you do the same with the objects I defined on the main post? Please, Cause what you did, I didn't understand shit(No offence, I liked it)

Wait, I think I got it! Just explain me how it works so I could so the same with my other map objects.

Its scanning all created objects and checking which modelid is 7497, if model match we change his material

Alright, Thanks, Luv ya <3

Rep Given.

I'm getting an error

D:\Server\gamemodes\gamemode.pwn(96) : error 017: undefined symbol "last_created_object"
D:\Server\gamemodes\gamemode.pwn(100) : error 017: undefined symbol "last_created_object"
D:\Server\gamemodes\gamemode.pwn(100) : error 017: undefined symbol "i"

Dude, Update your sscanf and streamer plugins + includes, that'll fix your problem of errors

Why don't you just import your maps into a newer in game editor that supports texturing? It will make the process a quicker.

@Voltmeter, As I said above, I just need the Gamemode temporary, I just give it to someone or just keep it for Upload. so I don't wanna go in the deep scripting stuff, Not now...

@Pottus, I did that, and I'm doing that too, lal I use you're Texture studio but the problem is that I already made the map, I don't know how to import it to your in-game Texture studio, Again as I said I'm am really new to scripting.

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