How old were you when you started playing samp?

I was still 17 years old when starting to play SA-MP back in 2007.

2008 started

I was playing these old games since my childhood GTA 3 and GTA Vice City and they were my best favourite games in my life, when I opened ******* like in 2008 I heard GTA IV was coming so I watched the trailer and I was amazed about its graphics and its gameplay like I believed it similar to real life just because of its new engine, then I started watching most other GTA games and finally I recognized GTA San Andreas. When years passed by I started to remember what I have watched and known too so I remembered GTA San Andreas and finally got it, the first time I played GTA San Andreas I was at the age 11 then the next day I also *******d if there was a multiplayer for it and finally I have recognized SA-MP and I was pleased to meet you guys

when i was 10 yrs old i started to play gta and 2014 in SAMP

it was on 2011 I was 13
I discovered it when I downloaded a GTA SA torrent from thepiratebay; I found a weird program called "SAMP" with a woman icon so I thought it was a cheat, then I opened it and it seemed weird to me, hopefully i pressed "internet" tab and played on a server, from then upwards I got addicted especially to the vehicle driveby lol

about 5 - 6 -7 idk

I probably wasnt born

Originally Posted by Iceblizard
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I probably wasnt born
Makes no sense. "How old were YOU when YOU started playing samp?"

OT: 17.

I started playing sa-mp when I was 11

13 I guess

Started playing back in late 2006 when I was 13.... I'm now 23.... Ahhh...


my very first time playing gta-sa was when i was around 13 or something

i first played it on the ps2

then got introduced to sa-mp a couple of months later.

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