[FilterScript] Signature system (call of duty styled signatures with in game editor)

Signature system

This filterscript allows your players to enjoy making their custom signatures and style them. There are many things you can edit in your signature like Background image, color etc, refer to features list for more.

Secondly, whenever a player dies, the player will be shown a textdraw message with the killer\'s signature and the killer will get a message with player\'s signature. I meant this is similar feature to that call of duty games have!

  • /mysign - open signature options dialog
  • /sign - see your or others signature
  • Each player can have its own signature design
  • Edit background image/sprite
  • Edit background sprite color in 2 ways
  • Edit background sprite opacity
  • Edit avatar sprtie
  • Edit avatar color in 2 ways
  • Edit avatar opacity
  • Edit Moto text
  • Edit moto color
  • Edit moto opacity
  • Ranks system (based on players score)
  • Rank list can be edited within the array
  • [Possible update] Saving signature per player

Here are some example designs i made real quick:

This will appear when a player dies:

Showing the initial dialog when you will use /sign:

Showing the dialog for editing your signature:
signature.pwn - (build 1) GITHUB Page

You require these two libraries to compile:

- sscanf2 plugin: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=570927

- izcmd include: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=576114

Oh damn, this so cool...

Where do you get all the time to make these things? You might end up leaving too (when someone be\'s really active - I had a feeling with adri1 and Pottus, and they are both gone, weird).

The only thing restraining me from releasing things is time.

Anyway, looks nice. I can see this being used for COD servers. When you die or kill someone, their or your signature, gamer-tag or w/e will show up - like the title says.

P.S: The purple one is the best.

I really like your Jobs gammix Nice work!

Wow , Its Very Nice System

Omg. Awesome work.

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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Where do you get all the time to make these things? You might end up leaving too (when someone be\'s really active - I had a feeling with adri1 and Pottus, and they are both gone, weird).

The only thing restraining me from releasing things is time.

Anyway, looks nice. I can see this being used for COD servers. When you die or kill someone, their or your signature, gamer-tag or w/e will show up - like the title says.

P.S: The purple one is the best.
I have bunch of incomplete scripts which I have been releasing since my join. Maybe it look like a spam but they prove to be useful, most comments say so.

I don\'t play much nor do coding all the time. I will probably end up with samp near January 2016, just waiting for Jan intake in Canada. As other excuses, I have to move on in my life, pawno is easy but with amazing capabilities which is a sort of resistance for me in coming future.

Thanks all for appreciation, anyways.


Very nice, I use a system kind of like this for my Achievements.

Originally Posted by Gammix
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I have bunch of incomplete scripts which I have been releasing since my join. Maybe it look like a spam but they prove to be useful, most comments say so.

I don\'t play much nor do coding all the time. I will probably end up with samp near January 2016, just waiting for Jan intake in Canada. As other excuses, I have to move on in my life, pawno is easy but with amazing capabilities which is a sort of resistance for me in coming future.

Thanks all for appreciation, anyways.
Well, I guess I was right. It might as well be your farewell, next .

I have 100 scripts (exactly) ranging from different things to others; some are examples, some are complete systems, etc. When my time comes to say bye bye, I\'ll probably release all of them on one thread - and it will be much larger until that happens.

I\'m also working on a gamemode that has 38,000+ lines, fully optimized to my best (did it recently, line by line); so yeah, that\'s also a factor that impedes me from releasing stuff - but it doesn\'t matter, maintaining projects which reflects on something somewhat \'progressive\' for you is better, than for public use.

Anyway, good luck with your life and keep on the excellent work, bud!

Originally Posted by Gammix
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I will probably end up with samp near January 2016.

Shit, this is awesome

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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Where do you get all the time to make these things?
I have the same question ... Lol;

Nice work gammix.

i saw dat Somewhere

i dont remember but was years ago

Hehe, nice..

This idea exists already in a CoD server.

your really good!

Excellent release, just tried to test it and when I click \'Edit Signature\' the dialog box closes and the next screen does not show.

Originally Posted by CounterTDM
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Excellent release, just tried to test it and when I click \'Edit Signature\' the dialog box closes and the next screen does not show.
Make sure the dialog ids don\'t get interupted by other scripts. You may edit the DIALOG_SIGN to any other value(notice it is used in other dialogs but with an increased number)

Sorry for the bump, but is there any upcoming update (saving signature data)?

Coool man keep it up

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