
Hi there. I have a problem on my server. Sometimes, I don't know after how much time.. The player VW is chaning to 1715.. I don't know why is this happening, I searched at "OnPlayerStateChange", "OnPlayerKeyStateChange" and "OnPlayerConnect".. How can I make a script that every time when a VW's player is changing to move the player to the VW 0 ? I tried something with >> getplayervirtualworld and setplayervirtualworld but didn't worked.. Annd, where do you think the script or the command is chaning the vw ?

You could set a timer, within the timer set it to reset the VW back to 0.

Do you have any timers that is changing your VW or under OnPlayerUpdate?

Originally Posted by acade
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You could set a timer, within the timer set it to reset the VW back to 0.

Do you have any timers that is changing your VW or under OnPlayerUpdate?
I don't use onplayerupdate.

Set a timer for it to be updated every second or few.

Have you gone through your script with the search function and found anything to do with Virtual World or the number your are getting? It could be your defining a float, not a integer on a string somewhere too.

Originally Posted by acade
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Set a timer for it to be updated every second or few.

Have you gone through your script with the search function and found anything to do with Virtual World or the number your are getting? It could be your defining a float, not a integer on a string somewhere too.
I think that I found it. It happends only for the new players. Not for everyone-.. I think it's something from database, I'll check that too.

Do some debugging.

Hook SetPlayerVirtualWorld with a print etc

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