13.07.2015, 11:25
TRL Freeze System
Hello, It's TheRaGeLord uhmmm or you can say TRL. I'm Here with my 2nd Filterscript. I released my 1st Filterscript Yesterday, I was very exicted to work on my second project. So, I made it within 4 hours.
uhmm.. It's a Freeze System. Currently command is only authorised for RCON Admin. So, what you gonna do is type /freeze [Player ID/NAME] [Time(seconds)] To Freeze the Player. Player whom you have freezed will see a textdraw with Time left and name of admin who freezed him and that's all.
If you find any bugs then please let me know. I would love to hear your feedback.
TRL - Me

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Hello, It's TheRaGeLord uhmmm or you can say TRL. I'm Here with my 2nd Filterscript. I released my 1st Filterscript Yesterday, I was very exicted to work on my second project. So, I made it within 4 hours.
uhmm.. It's a Freeze System. Currently command is only authorised for RCON Admin. So, what you gonna do is type /freeze [Player ID/NAME] [Time(seconds)] To Freeze the Player. Player whom you have freezed will see a textdraw with Time left and name of admin who freezed him and that's all.
If you find any bugs then please let me know. I would love to hear your feedback.
TRL - Me

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