Request - ammunition system

Hello, I am looking for a system but can not find, it is this, that ends the ammunition for a weapon, the weapon does not disappear from the player's hand, the more ammunition over, and shortly thereafter he must go to the gun store, buy more ammunition, apena want the system running out of ammunition and hold the gun yet.



Use AttachObjectToPlayer with selected weapon.

That would be AttachObjectToPlayer*

Originally Posted by Suicidal.Banana
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That would be AttachObjectToPlayer*
I wrote quickly and came out this error. Thanks.

Just saying and just so we're clear i didn't mean anything negative with that, so no need to defend yourself hehe, i constantly make typo's like that too, and im a full-time programmer, go figure haha.

Btw, will the game understand that attaching a weapon object to a player means having it hold the weapon in its hands? or does he maybe actually need a different command that includes something like an attachment bone or something? just wondering, its been a while :P

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