IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint question

On a trucking server, i want to make so that when you type /work, it shows you a list of jobs that are available at that area.

Now the question is how i should make this?

I got the idea of using IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint, but theres a problem :

As IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint creates an circle with an range, i need to use them so that the areas go into eatch other. Let me explain:

Lets say i want to create a work area with certain missions at Flint County and annother at Blueberry. Then lets say i calculate so the areas meet at the river betveen them. All fine, but as i said, IsPlayerInrangeOfPoint does not make squares, that means there will be alot land on both sides of the meeting point where you are not in any of them, so how do you think i should create this with the least ammount of work, and should i be using IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint in the first point (as nonone wants to make unneseceary work)?

I would suggest using zone names which would allow you to do exactly what (i think) you want.

Thank you. I do it using that tool.

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