2 Questions ( Scoring and something else )



I've put scoring system in my server. I just put SetPlayerScore etc under OnPlayerDeath.
Well that is working normally, no problems.
But if someone relogs, his score is gone. What must I type and where ? Please, if anyone knows.


I've been wondering for a lot of time..How to make a command like /setage 1-99.
Like you know, you wouldn't make al 99 commands for every /setage, but you would do it in one command. How is that done ? I could really use it with some things in my server and future.

Thank you for replys and help

1. Save it into a file.
2. strtok/sscanf

I may help you with your first problem:

This under your SetPlayerScore in OnPlayerDeath where you set the score higher:

pawn Код:
And this to your login command:

pawn Код:
And it saves to your scriptfiles with a player name

Hey, thanks for the help Jakku.

When I put this under the score at OnPlayerDeath, I get an error - Undefined symblo ''PlayerName''
And since I have Ladmin filterscript, I must put the second command in that filterscript ?


Plus I get 1 Warning, beside the error.
This is how both look like:

C:\Documents and Settings\Epp\Desktop\Chio Server 2\Chio server\Xtreme Stunt~Drift~Race~DM\Xtreme Stunt~Drift~Race~DM\SOURCE\gamemodes\SSS.pwn(6851) : warning 219: local variable "PlayerName" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\Epp\Desktop\Chio Server 2\Chio server\Xtreme Stunt~Drift~Race~DM\Xtreme Stunt~Drift~Race~DM\SOURCE\gamemodes\SSS.pwn(7419) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayerName"
I'm really confused right now..

And this is where the warning is
public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[])
	SpamStrings[playerid] ++;
	if(SpamStrings[playerid] >= MAX_SPAM)
	  new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
		GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
		printf("(previous text of %s was blocked by antispam)", PlayerName);
		SendClientMessage(playerid,0xCC0000AA,"Please wait 20 seconds before talking again (Spam Protection).");
		return 0;

Caution: May be buggy, I didn't use STRTOK.

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if (strcmp("/setage", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
	new string[18];
	if(cmdtext[9] == 0)
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_[color], "Invalid number, /setage 1-99");
		return 1;
	if(cmdtext[9] != 0)
		format(string, sizeof(string), "You are %d years old", cmdtext[9]);
	  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_[color], string);
		// Set whatever you variables you want to become to players age.
		return 1;
	return 0;
Its not tested.

I dont have much hope for it, but good luck hehe

Thanks, but let's just say I received 26 errors xD
And meh, I care more about the first question now, the scoring - Since I have a stunt server.

But still, thanks for the help

Originally Posted by XtremeChio
Thanks, but let's just say I received 26 errors xD
And meh, I care more about the first question now, the scoring - Since I have a stunt server.

But still, thanks for the help
I thought that much, for those type of things I usually use STRTOK, but I wasn't sure as to whether you had it on your script, it was just a guess, if you want me to make you one with the STRTOK I will .. I don't have anything going on, hehe

Nah it's alright, I just ment that so I'd know cause when I learn to script better, I'd open an RP server.
But it would help if you could make a command for the first question, so the Scores of players would save


Please, does anyone know what to do..I just want that players score saves so when he logs in.
I'm really confused, I tried many things, just none works..

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