MapAndreas Issue.


so I'm trying to get the Z Coord using Map Andreas, but it's just constantly returning 0.0
Even when I'm in SF...

The screen shot below goes like so..
X & Y
The First Z == Map Andreas
The Second = Player Z
But I'm in the EXACT same position.. when the cmd is used..
I'm just stood in the same spot an yet mapandreas gives the Z coord as 0.0
when i'm in SF on a hill

new Float:x, Float:y, Float:pz;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, pz);
	new Float:z;
	MapAndreas_FindZ_For2DCoord(x, y, z);	
I have included
public OnGameModeInit() {

Is the safull.hmap correctly placed in scriptfiles?
MapAndreas: plugin could not init!
MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory!
Something like that would show up in the serverlog then.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Is the safull.hmap correctly placed in scriptfiles?
MapAndreas: plugin could not init!
MapAndreas: check files and make sure you have enough memory!
Something like that would show up in the serverlog then.
#I'm a retard.

I have the SAFull.hmap on my computer in script files but not the bloody server script files -.-
I code on my computer an then put the .amx into the VPS XD

I'll give it a try now

Thanks above for your help .
Woulda taken me a while to actually figure that i'd forgotten to move the SAfull over -.-

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