Dialog find problem [ REP + ]

Hey guys,

my friend sended me his FS which from he lost .pwn file.. he created it loong time ago but he also told me the DIALOG_ID of dialog, which has some special hacks stuff in it.

The login dialogs works normal, but when user logs like hisnameA it will crash server and stuff.

So the developer of this old script(my friend) told me DIALOGID of this dialog and also told me, that if i want to use it, i need to figure out, how to make an antihack for that.

So I am asking you guys, how i am enable to do this:

I know dialog id, i know it is calling in OnPlayerConnect so.. how can I do that if the players writes to that dialog something like hisnameA it will kick him? For example.

I have a name Mark and i login with MarkA that i want to crash server, but instead of that, server kicks me.

I figured out to do something like format %name and stuff.. but I just cant figure out how to do it, that it will work.

Thanks guys for all your help, hope you understood, what i want.

I don't get what you are talking about when you say "some special hacks stuff". Post the script that is causing the issues.

Omg. There is no script causing any issues.

I got .amx file of an GAMEMODE which has something like this in it.

If players register via name "Mark", then disconnect and login via name "Mark" and he enters to the login dialog "MarkC" the C character it will kick all players from server.

So, I have the Dialogid of this login dialog and i need to protect my server(using this gamemode) from players enabled to kick all my players via this "hack".


How we can help if you don't have the .pwn file?

Lol, why you are helping, when you have no clue what is going on?

When I have .amx gamemode, and I know its dialogids and stuff, or also for example commands i can easily replace them via any filterscript. So that is why I am asking. I know dialogid and i want to replace it.

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