29.05.2015, 20:16
Hi , i want to make a house teleport system so when i use /gohome it's give me a dialog , but i want to do this with Player Owner name so i'am trying this :
When i use this command, i got the dialog but nothing write in it , but i can't find the problem, thank's for advance.
PHP код:
for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSES; i++)
if(!strcmp(AHouseData[i][Owner], GetName(playerid)))
format(HouseList, 1000, "%s{00FF00}%s{FFFFFF}\n", HouseList, AHouseData[i][HouseName]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogGoHome, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, "Choose your house :", HouseList, "Select", "Cancel");