30.05.2015, 04:55
Not sure how to explain, but take a look at my query and tell me if what i'm trying to do is possible in one query:
[00:00:11] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnLoadHouses] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`,`eint`,`safe,`pot`,`coke`,`acid`,`price`,`owner `=(SELECT `username` FROM `acco' at line 1
[00:00:11] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnLoadHouses] - error will be triggered in OnQueryError
pawn Код:
mysql_tquery(mysql,"SELECT `id`,`houses`.`ownerid`,`name`,`door`,`x`,`y`,`z`,`ex`,`ey`,`ez,`evw`,`eint`,`safe,`pot`,`coke`,`acid`,`price`,`owner`=(SELECT `username` FROM `accounts` WHERE `accounts`.`id`=`houses`.`ownerid` LIMIT 1;) FROM `houses` WHERE 1", "OnLoadHouses");
[00:00:11] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[OnLoadHouses] - error will be triggered in OnQueryError