18.04.2015, 16:10
Последний раз редактировалось Jakwob; 04.11.2015 в 14:59.
Причина: Updates
Hey Guys i managed to get round to doing another little update for this and thought i would make a fresh topic for it and remove my old one.
I was looking for a Xp/level system for my server i was creating and i never found one the suits me and meets my needs so i created this Filterscript and now i am not working on my server i thought i would share it for everyone to use.
Experiance, level and prestige system, it can be customized so for example you complete a job or DM then you can make it give the player the desired amount of xp, on leveling up you will receive a payment for you success on leveling up and you will recieve a huge $1 million when you prestige. The system saves individual level profile in a seprate folder to where your accounts will be saved.
You will need the required includes in order to run this filterscript;
NOTE: More updates coming soon!
Rank Help

My Ranks

Rank TextDraws
I was looking for a Xp/level system for my server i was creating and i never found one the suits me and meets my needs so i created this Filterscript and now i am not working on my server i thought i would share it for everyone to use.
Experiance, level and prestige system, it can be customized so for example you complete a job or DM then you can make it give the player the desired amount of xp, on leveling up you will receive a payment for you success on leveling up and you will recieve a huge $1 million when you prestige. The system saves individual level profile in a seprate folder to where your accounts will be saved.
- Experiance points
- Levels
- Prestige Levels
- Fully Saving (not affecting player saving)
- Auto Level up
- Payday on level up
- Textdraws
- /givexp <playerid> <1 - 99>
- /givelevel <playerid> <1 - 99>
- /giveprestige <playerid> <1 - 99>
- /veh - Only players with Prestige can use /veh
- /myrank
- /resetrank <playerid> (Reset a players rank)
- /rankhelp - player command
- /rdm - Ranks Debug Mode (printing messages on console)
You will need the required includes in order to run this filterscript;
- zcmd
NOTE: More updates coming soon!
Rank Help

My Ranks

Rank TextDraws