SA-MP 0.3.7 RC (now released)

Nice job kalcor.

Originally Posted by Tamer
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*Runs away*
Actually feature was correct. It even states there could be another update however it will be fixes only and not actually include features.

RC5, nice! congratulations Kalcor.

Originally Posted by Correlli
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There are currently 64749 players playing. How is it dying again?
It's just my opinion.

Originally Posted by Jake187
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Actually feature was correct. It even states there could be another update however it will be fixes only and not actually include features.
He was joking.

Originally Posted by DiDok
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It's been 3 months since first RC got released and there's still no stable version, maybe instead of releasing RCs with new functions just release stable versions every month? They could also include non-plugin breaking memory address scrambles that's make cheaters' work harder
1. The whole point of RC's is to build up to a stable point.
2. Obviously there isn't a stable version if they are still throwing RC's for us to test.
3. The new function RC's are made to test the new functions. If the functions work fine then we are getting closer to a stable release.
4. Do you know the difference between release candidate [RC] (test version, possibly buggy) and stable release [R] (bug-free, stable)?

Originally Posted by adri1
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one year for this?, samp is dying, sorry
only new objects survives
Exactly. For keep sa-mp still alive, the developers team should be bigger and more dedicated or sa-mp should be open-source. I think it`s the moment to be open source.

Originally Posted by ExTaZZ69
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Exactly. For keep sa-mp still alive, the developers team should be bigger and more dedicated or sa-mp should be open-source. I think it`s the moment to be open source.
If you would actually do some research instead of posting a dumb post, then you would've know that SA-MP is growing each year, especially the last 2 years.

Originally Posted by Jimmy0wns
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If you would actually do some research instead of posting a dumb post, then you would've know that SA-MP is growing each year, especially the last 2 years.
I didn`t do any researches, but i saw that at my friends who left sa-mp because they were bored. The sync between server and client is bad and it could be improved by the community who have much more spree time than developers team.

Originally Posted by ExTaZZ69
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I didn`t do any researches, but i saw that at my friends who left sa-mp because they were bored. The sync between server and client is bad and it could be improved by the community who have much more spree time than developers team.
Yes, sa-mp is dead because your friend left

function "language" (string) for what?

Originally Posted by justice96
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function "language" (string) for what?
pawn Код:
language English
in server.cfg

Be grateful there is a offical update coming out instead of one or two updates and maybe a bug fix. Kalcor doesn't have to do anything for you or anyone. There are enough functions in 0.3z to make a cool server, but with this update coming out, servers can add more awesome features/ content into their script.

It has taken 4 - 5 months to make this update, and look how much stuff has been added. Other than this, 0.3.7 is in feature lock down so it probably won't be long till release.

Awesome, thanks!

Kalcor, I can't thank you enough man.. seriously, thankyou man and thankyou to all the beta testers current and past, for everything you've provided and contributed for and to us over the years, you and the beta team guys really deserve mass appreciation for all your hard work, dedication an ongoing development for SA-MP.

An on that note, some people (the unappreciative ones) should really take a moment to remember the old times(2004-2005).. to where most of you (including myself) were all sittin back there crappin on about how awesome this game would be if it were multiplayer an that the pedestrians were other (real) people and you all got around in this big world.

But instead back then you were limited to trying to get around the map with your friend/family member using the singleplayer-multiplayer thingy an not go out of range of each other.. pfft LOL.. you know you did it, I'm pre sure we all did it..

So thanks again for 0.3.7, much appreciated

AVG Virus "samp.exe"

IDP Generic Whitelisted

IDP Generic Whitelisted is a potential threat. Threats, when malicious, can be used to interfere with the normal operation of a computer, gather personal information or allow a hacker to access the device remotely without the user's consent.

This kind of software usually arrives in the form of an unwanted download from a malicious website or as code illegally injected into a legitimate website without the webmaster's knowledge. It can also be received as an email attachment or an instant message from an untrusted source.

Originally Posted by long76
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AVG Virus "samp.exe"

IDP Generic Whitelisted

IDP Generic Whitelisted is a potential threat. Threats, when malicious, can be used to interfere with the normal operation of a computer, gather personal information or allow a hacker to access the device remotely without the user's consent.

This kind of software usually arrives in the form of an unwanted download from a malicious website or as code illegally injected into a legitimate website without the webmaster's knowledge. It can also be received as an email attachment or an instant message from an untrusted source.
False positive.

Return the standard dialogs that were in 0.3z

Originally Posted by Bren
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Return the standard dialogs that were in 0.3z

Originally Posted by ipsLeon
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Yes I'm happy and thankful for this, but we could have a bit more of objects which were suggested after RC4 and would be useful for 90%+ of sa-mp servers, like this one:

(Ammo boxes from ammu-nation)

I know that people suggested a lot, but some important objects and other fixes should be considered before locking down the version.
Maybe you can re-texture an existing box with the box textures?

Originally Posted by Tamer
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Maybe you can re-texture an existing box with the box textures?
This is the point, I can't, seeing as my inventory and crafting system are based on preview models and we can't re-texture preview models, it would looks pretty strange if i have a dropped object in game different from the same object as i have in inventory & crafting:

Tons of servers are using preview models features now, I'm not the only one.

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