31.03.2015, 15:54
Hi, today i have create a textdraw ( speedometer ) , and i have put "<" and ">" symbol for my turn signal system , but now idk how to make a timer to change the textdraw color and to make it like a signal , the textdraw "TDEditor_PTD[playerid][22]" is the left signal "<" and TDEditor_PTD[playerid][21] is the right signal ">", when the player click A the left turn signal be in green color and after 1000 MS it's will be in black color and that's will repet, i have do that for this moment :
pawn Код:
forward TurnSignalOFF(playerid);
public TurnSignalOFF(playerid)
if(turnleft[playerid] == 1)
PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][22]);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][22], -2139062017);
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][22]);
return 1;
if(turnright[playerid] == 1)
PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][21]);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][21], -2139062017);
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][21]);
return 1;
return 1;
forward TurnSignalON(playerid);
public TurnSignalON(playerid)
if(turnleft[playerid] == 1)
PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][22]);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][22], 16711935);
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][22]);
return 1;
if(turnright[playerid] == 1)
PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][21]);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][21], 16711935);
PlayerTextDrawShow(playerid, TDEditor_PTD[playerid][21]);
return 1;
return 1;