Server/Script/GM Concept

To anyone in the capacity and intent to start a new server, I have written up a basic guide for what I believe would make a great server.
Basically, it's a war server between 2 teams, 200 player cap, 100 per team/country

There are four (maybe add more) countries/teams to play for, server 'resets' after each game finishes, loading 2 new teams or 'Countries' for the players to choose from.

At each base is an artefact, the objective for each army is to take the opposing army's artifact and deliver it to the special zone at the home base.
eg American Artefact - Green Goo
The game is over when an army reaches 15 points, 1 point is awarded for a delivery, and an extra point is awarded if that army still has it's artefact in it's home zone.

* The whole map is utilized, leaving the teams to free to strategize to take any route to win the game

Gameplay is fairly simple:
*A player holding an artifact could have it appear above their head (their name is announced when they pick it up), if they die, they drop it for another to pick up, the artifact constantly appears on the radar with a blip, along with blips for home base, enemy base and enemy artefact, individual player blips are off.

*Players who die from impacts and had armor remaining will drop an armor pickup, a player who picks this up will receieve a full armor bar.

*Each country/team is limited to 100 players. (needs to be a way to stop constant team changes)

*Each base spawns with approx 20 Rhinos, 8 Rustlers, 4 Bomb Dropping Nevadas (using the ctrl button script - dont know if these can be made to drop though, rather than get stuck in the air?), and 12 ground vehicles such as Coaches or Patriots for soldier transport.

*Chat is set to team/gang by default, superior strategy and operation will make a country win the war.

*Each country has weaponry assigned to them as appropriate eg,
-England - Pistols, M4, Sniper Rifle
-America - Desert Eagle, M4, Combat Shotgun
-Russia - Knife, AK47, Molotov Cocktail
-Germany - Knife, Mp5, Combat Shotgun, 1x Rocket Launcher

*Each base has an ammo dump for which players can collect extra ammo before leaving the base, but time is precious!

*Each base contains special coloured squares with traps on them, if you touch one of these at your enemy's base, you are taken as a POW, lose your weapons, appear as a white blip on the radar and are teleported to and frozen inside the POW compound for 1 min, after which you can type /open at any time to open the POW door and escape, the POW compound is located near each army's ammo dump!

*Having a bunch of your soldiers taken POW at the enemy base isn't neccessarily a bad thing, A well timed mass escape may see your army make off with the artefact while they are pre-occupied taking yours! Also watch out for a POW build up at YOUR home base! Your army will need soldiers to remain there to guard your team's artifact, ammo dump and POW camp.

*Spawnkilling may occur, but this is war! but there are numerous spawn locations at your base.

*POWs cannot be killed until they pick up a weapon or the artefact, if and when they do, their white blip will go away.

*Players do not drop weapons, this will help with server administration and BOT banning, perhaps set instant ban on hydra, jetpack, sparrow spawning etc and maybe on sawns too? (ammunations to be covered up perhaps?)

*Teamkilling is disabled.

Places that could serve as bases (server always chooses 2 that are far apart of course):
Area 69
LS beach near airport + ramp over the airport fence where the aircraft could spawn (with 1 or 2 aircraft carrier objects added, looking like a army landing)
Angel Pine beach near chilliad (with aircraft carriers as above)
Paradiso Beach (west SF, airfcraft carriers)
The open farm area south of El Quebrados

*Server would save stats such as kills of each team kind, total kills and ratio
-you move up a rank for every 150? players you kill, certain ranks can do /flare to light a flare, perhaps at the cost of $10,000, maybe utilized through admin script, making higher ranks get promoted to player level 1,2,3 and they get certain commands for their efforts.
-Players will earn money for kills, for driving a vehicle with other players on board (eg $100 per sec for each passenger), for fighting on certain turf zones (placed at areas that would be commonly entered, eg around the bridges connecting the north and south landmasses), among other ways to earn money.
-Server would list top 10 records of Richest Soldiers, Highest Kills per country and overall, plus server MVP based on all stats.
-Times that player has held the atrifact/delivered an artifact is listed in their stats also

*The Gas station at the north of Blueberry could serve as a refuelling/re arming depot (if tanks are given a fuel meter), and could serve as a crucial outpost.

I believe that script wise, this is not too hefty or out of reach, I hope somebody sees what I see and can make it happen!


well, i got an idea

"Commander System"

Each country can have one commander, these commanders can viewing map from above (like RTS game) yeah and they can spot or giving orders to their men.

Take a look at this

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