[Plugin] Streamer Plugin

Has anyone figured out what the fix is to this? I am getting the issue, have recompiled using the new release from incognito, but am still receiving the message stating they are not the same file versions. I am at a loss at this point. When I run my server offline, everything works fine even with the error message. However, when I upload the streamer to my host, the streamer will not load. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted by Blade_Cervetti
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Has anyone figured out what the fix is to this? I am getting the issue, have recompiled using the new release from incognito, but am still receiving the message stating they are not the same file versions. I am at a loss at this point. When I run my server offline, everything works fine even with the error message. However, when I upload the streamer to my host, the streamer will not load. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Make sure you are using the same streamer.inc in your pawno as the streamer.so/.dll in your host, I never had that issue and already tried many versions of it...

Originally Posted by mati233
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Make sure you are using the same streamer.inc in your pawno as the streamer.so/.dll in your host, I never had that issue and already tried many versions of it...
They are coming out of the same folder, however, I just tried a theory, still no hope though. I downloaded and swap different versions of the files and it appears the only the .inc file version is ever wrong in the samp-server.exe. The plugin version is always correct. I do not understand.

Hopefully someone know a fix.

What error does streamer throw at you..?

Originally Posted by Blade_Cervetti
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Has anyone figured out what the fix is to this? I am getting the issue, have recompiled using the new release from incognito, but am still receiving the message stating they are not the same file versions. I am at a loss at this point. When I run my server offline, everything works fine even with the error message. However, when I upload the streamer to my host, the streamer will not load. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by mati233
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Make sure you are using the same streamer.inc in your pawno as the streamer.so/.dll in your host, I never had that issue and already tried many versions of it...
I have the same problem and I posted it earlier but noone gave me a damn answer.

[14:26:48] *** IsValidDynamicObject: Expecting 1 parameter(s), but found 604455
[14:26:48] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[14:26:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[14:26:48] [debug] #0 native IsValidDynamicObject () from streamer.so
[14:26:48] [debug] #1 native IsValidDynamicObject () from streamer.so
[14:26:48] [debug] #2 0024e49c in public Server_Heartbeat () at C:\Users\Bogdan\Dropbox\samp03\gamemodes\last.pwn:1849
How is this possible?

This is the line:
if(IsValidDynamicObject(obj) && !IsDynamicObjectMoving(obj))
[14:38:20] [debug] Server crashed while executing last.amx
[14:38:20] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[14:38:20] [debug] #0 native float () from samp03svr
[14:38:20] [debug] #1 native IsValidDynamicObject () from streamer.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #2 native IsValidDynamicObject () from streamer.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #3 00000004 in public Server_Heartbeat () at <unknown file>:0
[14:38:20] [debug] Native backtrace:
[14:38:20] [debug] #0 0022de8b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #1 00226bcf in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #2 00227dbc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #3 00228226 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #4 0022dadc in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #5 00257410 in ?? ()
[14:38:20] [debug] #6 08093f51 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[14:38:20] [debug] #7 0022c8f8 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #8 00230916 in amx_Exec () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #9 00228be6 in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #10 0022c659 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #11 004ec2f2 in amx_Exec () from plugins/YSF.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #12 004cff08 in _ZN16CCallbackManager15OnServerMessageEPc () from plugins/YSF.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #13 004d93dd in ?? () from plugins/YSF.so
[14:38:20] [debug] #14 080d1765 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[14:38:20] [debug] #15 0808eaab in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[14:38:20] [debug] #16 080746f6 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[14:38:20] [debug] #17 0807632e in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[14:38:20] [debug] #18 00ba3b39 in ?? () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
[14:38:20] [debug] #19 0040ad6e in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

The memory is corrupted and it isn't reading good (the line and error are displayed wrong). I got errors like that few days ago, the mistakes are really tricky to be found. In my case the problem was that I used "#if !defined" for some stocks (I still don't understand why it wasn't working, but, well, now I removed that part of code and it's working). But that was just my case, yours may be diferent, so try to remember what you were doing last, before it was giving this run time error.

i have problem with createdynamicCP

when i create it in worldid 0 it work fine but when i create in other world it only show red marker in minimap but not show checkpoint circle in place

how to fix it

pawn Код:
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;

I still don't understand how I am suppose to fix this. Incognito, any thoughts bro?

I think IsValidDynamic* have a problem:

[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:29] *** Streamer_SetIntData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
[21:01:30] *** Streamer_GetArrayData: Invalid ID specified
Absolutely everywhere I used Streamer I checked if the id is valid.

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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I was going to raise this point, I'd love a more useful error message as I see these pop up all the time and my codebase is so massive I have no chance of finding the source(s). Maybe some kind of crashdetect linking so line numbers could be found, or even just printing the function parameters.
Would be very useful.

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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I was going to raise this point, I'd love a more useful error message as I see these pop up all the time and my codebase is so massive I have no chance of finding the source(s). Maybe some kind of crashdetect linking so line numbers could be found, or even just printing the function parameters.
crash detect has the following natives:
native PrintAmxBacktrace();
native GetAmxBacktrace(string[], size = sizeof(string));
Would be awesome of incognito could try to find either of these and call the native. It's very easy using sampgdk.

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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Yes that's what I'm on about. If it can be implemented straight into the plugin that would be useful.
I have sent an issue on the repository, I hope he implements it.

EDIT: aww, too bad, incognito says it's not possible:

Sometimes when create new 3d textlabel the last one disappears.

I've got a problem. Objects won't appear in the class selection. I've tried so many things like Streamer_Update, Streamer_UpdateEx or setting the player's position again but nothing worked yet. The objects will only appear when the objects were streamed in before the class selection.
Sometimes they will show up for like 500ms. It works fine with CreateObject.
Tried it with the latest and older veresions of the plugin.


Can we use OnPlayerShootDynamicObject to prohibit player damaging the object?

-wrong topic-

Could somebody write code of how could i mix up native PrintAmxBacktrace();
native PrintNativeBacktrace(); with Streamer_OnPluginError(error[]) ?

Hmm, my checkpoint is streamed when I start my server, but OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP doesn't get called.
pawn Код:
Checkpoint= CreateDynamicCP(1673.9871, -1344.0293, 166.6351, 3.0);
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP called");
    return 1;
I'm only creating checkpoints with the streamer so I'm not sure what could possibly mess up my checkpoints.
Oh, and player's virtual world is set to 1500.
Does anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: Okay, so the problem was Z parameter of the checkpoint was too high. I've set it to 158 and now everything works. Sorry, my bad!

Dynamic map icons should really be streamed on a 2D basis. I currently have to use a stream distance of 2000 so that they show for players who are flying high above the ground. Ideally I'd like to use a stream distance of 300 but because they're streamed on a 3D basis I can't do that. Great work else round though.

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