SA-MP 0.3.7 RC (now released)

Awesome update! FINALLY ! GetPlayerPoolSize()/GetVehiclePoolSize() - very good feature! Nice work, SA-MP team!

Originally Posted by PT
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I only didn't understand a thing why you still need on GetPlayerPoolSize() the IsPlayerConnected ? How really works this functions? They dont will only work for connected number of players?

The birds thing it's really amazing, nice work!
They only return the last used playerid/vehicleid. Instead of MAX_PLAYERS value you will have for example 5 (if this is the highest playerid connected).
foreach is still a better alternative, since it is looping only through connected players.

The objects seems to be nice, but I was expecting much more from RC2, it took way too much time.

SA:MP is now focusing too much only on new objects, instead it should fix ancient bugs ( for example is way too big, I don't think this is normal, there shouldn't be that much bugs in the first place), add new features and also improvements.

I wonder what have Rockstar games done with world boundaries that its so hard to override them, maybe needs to be created some extra dll file which access gta sa memory or something

Also what is the reason why custom mapped objects doesn't cast the shadow.

Are they impossible features, or just haven't tried to get at that part yet?

Originally Posted by ikey07
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Also what is the reason why custom mapped objects doesn't cast the shadow.
I didnt understud like the grass on floor and that stuff's?

No, I mean the shadow from player or cars doesn't appear on the ground, same as headlights, or any other light, you can't see it on the mapped object, put on the lowest settings to see what I mean, but its not about settings its about that they don't have shadow on them.

Theres some objects with wrong texture, please fix it

I don't wanna look irrespectful or ungrateful, believe me, every single feature it's exciting for me (even the birds fix).
But I really wonder why such simple stuff is always forgotten from SAMP RCs.
For example, I'm referring to the definition of IsValidVehicle, which is just one line missing, or the night vision fix, which has been posted several times (the assembly fix, not the OnPlayerUpdate one) and it's available from YSF source, or some typos in a_samp.
I've been the developer of a small community for over 5 years, so I know how it's easy to forget something, but all those things repeated again and again make every update look less useful then how it really is.

Anyway, thanks again for this release.

Originally Posted by DarkSlyder
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I don't wanna look irrespectful or ungrateful, believe me, every single feature it's exciting for me (even the birds fix).
But I really wonder why such simple stuff is always forgotten from SAMP RCs.
For example, I'm referring to the definition of IsValidVehicle, which is just one line missing, or the night vision fix, which has been posted several times (the assembly fix, not the OnPlayerUpdate one) and it's available from YSF source, or some typos in a_samp.
I've been the developer of a small community for over 5 years, so I know how it's easy to forget something, but all those things repeated again and again make every update look less useful then how it really is.

Anyway, thanks again for this release.
Yes, would be good if fix that things and Rocket Launcher HS bug.

Did someone suddenly drink a double espresso coffee?


Originally Posted by DarkSlyder
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I don't wanna look irrespectful or ungrateful, believe me, every single feature it's exciting for me (even the birds fix).
But I really wonder why such simple stuff is always forgotten from SAMP RCs.
For example, I'm referring to the definition of IsValidVehicle, which is just one line missing, or the night vision fix, which has been posted several times (the assembly fix, not the OnPlayerUpdate one) and it's available from YSF source, or some typos in a_samp.
I've been the developer of a small community for over 5 years, so I know how it's easy to forget something, but all those things repeated again and again make every update look less useful then how it really is.

Anyway, thanks again for this release.
Totally agree ...

Anyway, thank you for this RC

Waiting for official version <3

Finally the bird thing! I'm actually serious. My current project needed that, literally. My whole map is in the sky so yea, birds looked retarded. Maybe there could be a way to disable birds completely (AND FISH)? Also the SelectObject fix is working perfect for me now, my in-game object editor seems to be freed of the bugs. I can't pin-point the problem with the camera functions, but sometimes I could be right in front of an object and it will return invalid. Yes, the thingy is enabled for every player.

Hey Guys,i need sume help. If i start installing and write my password and hit "yes" then there comes "Installer check was failed,common cause include incomplete download and damage media.Contact the installers author to Obtain a new copy" and under that is a adress what dont working..

PLease tell me what to do.

too many drinks objects! thank you!

I don't understand GetPlayerPoolSize, if i have variable

new Variable[ MAX_PLAYERS ];


i do that cikle

for( new i = 0; i < GetPlayerPoolSize(); i ++)
if( Variable[ i ] == 1)

If in my server play 400 players then here will be crash.

Originally Posted by Banditukas
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I don't understand GetPlayerPoolSize, if i have variable

new Variable[ MAX_PLAYERS ];


i do that cikle

for( new i = 0; i < GetPlayerPoolSize(); i ++)
if( Variable[ i ] == 1)

If in my server play 400 players then here will be crash.
No shit. Why do you have the max set to 200 if you plan on having 400 players? COMMON SENSE!

Cool Guys Good luck

How works /ctd command ? If i type this nothing happend....


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