[Help] Server closed the connection

Hi everyone. I have a very big problem.
I have a server on 0.3z and when me or someone else press ESC or CANCEL button in the dialog box, they're disconnected with mesaje: Server closed the connection. My Gamemode dont have any error / warnings. Everything it's OK

Please help me .. i am desperate.. I dont know what to do..

Thanks in advance

PS: Sorry for my bad english

Have a nice day !

Your script kicks people when they click cancel then.
If you don't want it, remove "Kick" or something like that in OnPlayerDialogResponse.

Thanks a lot, mate !! U save me I have to delete
from OnDialogResponse.

+1 for you, and thanks again for your quickly response. Have a nice day

Originally Posted by MateiMatei
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Thanks a lot, mate !! U save me I have to delete
from OnDialogResponse.

+1 for you, and thanks again for your quickly response. Have a nice day
Just saying your +REP isn't worth anything untill an x amount of posts (I think 50)

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