OSAM - OpenSanAndreasMap

Hello there!

I've been working on a small project for some time now.
I don't know how it benefits the SA-MP community, but I
would just write a few things and see how the reactions are.

The basic idea of the project is similar to the large version
OpenStreetMap to create a freely available, editable map of San Andreas.
Advantage is of course that you can adapt that map and render it on your own taste.

For creating the map I use JOSM and for rendering the map Maperitive.
I also have written a small filterscript for a GPS tracker, tracking routes in GPX format,
to import them in JOSM. This was helpful in several tunnels and espeially for the railroad.

The version shown here is still not final. I have no conventions for mapping in GTA so I build
on my experiences from OSM, which, of course, is not always useful in GTA.


JOSM Nodes - San Andreas
Blueprint2 Ruleset - San Andreas
Default Ruleset - Los Santos
Custom Ruleset - San Fierro

I've set up a Subversion Repository to download the latest version:

Have a look at the tools too:

So far. I would be glad to get a feedback.

Nice stuff I must say!

The blue print one is awesome :P

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
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The blue print one is awesome :P
You can make your own HD one with the Blueprint2 Ruleset from Maperitive.

Originally Posted by cl4ptr4p
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You can make your own HD one with the Blueprint2 Ruleset from Maperitive.
Is it possible to do this with a custom map? I'm not exactly sure how it all works.

Yes, you have to customize the OSM-file with JOSM. The difficulty of doing so depends on the customizations and whether you appreciate many details. If you're working on your customized map, you can make your own customized.osm file and combine it with the latest version of the sanandreas.osm, so you make sure your customization won't get lost with the next update.

Nice work, we can create our own models and put it here?

What do you mean by models? You might not confuse this with ingame mapping. You can put customized map parts here if you want to, but people might have different customizations, so I try to rebuild the original map.
You can, for example, create a customized radar mod for your server, with POI and customized city parts. You can also create a zoomable high resolution livemap by creating tiles in the z/x/y.png format and LeafletJS. You might find other uses for it, these were just 2 common examples for using the map data.


I'm still not clear what the point of this is given that SA comes with a full map and path points already.

There is no high resolution map and also the map data can't be processed.

Originally Posted by ******
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I'm still not clear what the point of this is given that SA comes with a full map and path points already.
You can't easily edit your own nodes, if you're used to modify SA buildings and roads structure, nor render your own maps based on it.

OP, you are awesome.
Are you releasing the scripts?

Pre rendered tiles are available at tiles.gtadb.com. Feel free to use those with something like Leaflet.

The URL scheme is as follows:


Available styles are: default, default2, satellite, bing

The default map looks really neat, I almost prefer it to the default SA Map.

Originally Posted by ******
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I'm still not clear what the point of this is given that SA comes with a full map and path points already.
Its the GTA SA world rendered in OpenStreetMap data, and so it allows using it with a whole bunch of fun or professional tools, like rendering map images, do navigation stuff, or even add an interactive san andreas map to websites. And this is pretty cool in my opinion, as this is much more than just a GTA map that looks differently.
I dont see why youre reacting that negative.

well guys, the thread is old. JJJan just bumped it.

It also made me exchange the broken SVN link to the GitHub repository. Though I haven't changed things since.

There are still district boundaries and buildings missing, so rendering a city map won't be that pretty, but street maps are fine.

I am glad someone brought this up again, this is very, very useful!

Originally Posted by ******
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That wasn't clear from the first post, so yes you're right that is useful. It sounded to me like a load of random formats since unless you knew explicitly that those were from that tool and quite standard there was nothing stating it in the first post. Only indications that it was "like" Open Street Map, but their own version.
Originally Posted by iZN
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well guys, the thread is old. JJJan just bumped it.
Actually I failed to notice the threads age.

Originally Posted by ******
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It wasn't a double post within 24 hours, so its fine. It also wasn't starting a new thread on the same thing, so its even better!
yeah, I know it's a good thing, but I thought I should remind.

Originally Posted by JJJan
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Pre rendered tiles are available at tiles.gtadb.com. Feel free to use those with something like Leaflet.

The URL scheme is as follows:


Available styles are: default, default2, satellite, bing
Hi, can I have a download of your tiles?
Thank you so much, I'll give you credits if you want.

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