
how do I load objects using .txt within the scriptfiles?

You can use fopen, fexists, and fread to get the data, and then split the string accordingly.

Grand Larceny has an example of loading vehicles which should assist you,
pawn Код:
// GRAND LARCENY common functions include.

stock LoadStaticVehiclesFromFile(const filename[])
    new File:file_ptr;
    new line[256];
    new var_from_line[64];
    new vehicletype;
    new Float:SpawnX;
    new Float:SpawnY;
    new Float:SpawnZ;
    new Float:SpawnRot;
    new Color1, Color2;
    new index;
    new vehicles_loaded;

    file_ptr = fopen(filename,filemode:io_read);
    if(!file_ptr) return 0;

    vehicles_loaded = 0;

    while(fread(file_ptr,line,256) > 0)
        index = 0;

        // Read type
        index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index);
        if(index == (-1)) continue;
        vehicletype = strval(var_from_line);
        if(vehicletype < 400 || vehicletype > 611) continue;

        // Read X, Y, Z, Rotation
        index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
        if(index == (-1)) continue;
        SpawnX = floatstr(var_from_line);

        index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
        if(index == (-1)) continue;
        SpawnY = floatstr(var_from_line);

        index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
        if(index == (-1)) continue;
        SpawnZ = floatstr(var_from_line);

        index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
        if(index == (-1)) continue;
        SpawnRot = floatstr(var_from_line);

        // Read Color1, Color2
        index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,',',index+1);
        if(index == (-1)) continue;
        Color1 = strval(var_from_line);

        index = token_by_delim(line,var_from_line,';',index+1);
        Color2 = strval(var_from_line);

        AddStaticVehicleEx(vehicletype,SpawnX,SpawnY,SpawnZ,SpawnRot,Color1,Color2,(30*60)); // respawn 30 minutes
        /*new numplate_test[32+1];
        SetVehicleNumberPlate(vid, numplate_test);*/


    printf("Loaded %d vehicles from: %s",vehicles_loaded,filename);
    return vehicles_loaded;


stock strtok(const string[], &index)
    new length = strlen(string);
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))

    new offset = index;
    new result[20];
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
        result[index - offset] = string[index];
    result[index - offset] = EOS;
    return result;


stock strrest(const string[], &index)
    new length = strlen(string);
    while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))
    new offset = index;
    new result[128];
    while ((index < length) && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
        result[index - offset] = string[index];
    result[index - offset] = EOS;
    return result;

// Tokenise by a delimiter
// Return string and index of the end determined by the
// provided delimiter in delim

stock token_by_delim(const string[], return_str[], delim, start_index)
    new x=0;
    while(string[start_index] != EOS && string[start_index] != delim) {
        return_str[x] = string[start_index];
    return_str[x] = EOS;
    if(string[start_index] == EOS) start_index = (-1);
    return start_index;


stock isNumeric(const string[])
  new length=strlen(string);
  if (length==0) return false;
  for (new i = 0; i < length; i++)
      if (
            (string[i] > '9' || string[i] < '0' && string[i]!='-' && string[i]!='+') // Not a number,'+' or '-'
             || (string[i]=='-' && i!=0)                                             // A '-' but not at first.
             || (string[i]=='+' && i!=0)                                             // A '+' but not at first.
         ) return false;
  if (length==1 && (string[0]=='-' || string[0]=='+')) return false;
  return true;


stock IsKeyJustDown(key, newkeys, oldkeys)
    if((newkeys & key) && !(oldkeys & key)) return 1;
    return 0;


stock PlaySoundForAll(soundid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            PlayerPlaySound(i, soundid, x, y, z);


stock PlaySoundForPlayersInRange(soundid, Float:range, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
    for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,range,x,y,z))
            PlayerPlaySound(i, soundid, x, y, z);



stock ReturnUser(text[])
    new pos = 0;
    new userid = RETURN_USER_FAILURE;
    while(text[pos] < 0x21) { // Strip out leading spaces
        if(text[pos] == 0) return RETURN_USER_FAILURE; // No passed text
    if(isNumeric(text[pos])) { // Check whole passed string
        userid = strval(text[pos]);
        if(userid >=0 && userid < MAX_PLAYERS)
            if(IsPlayerConnected(userid)) return userid;
            return RETURN_USER_FAILURE;
    // They entered [part of] a name or the id search failed (check names just incase)
    new len = strlen(text[pos]);
    new count = 0;
    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1];
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof(name));
            if(strcmp(name, text[pos], true, len) == 0) // Check segment of name
                if(len == strlen(name)) { // Exact match
                    return i;
                else { // Partial match
                    userid = i;
    if(!count) return RETURN_USER_FAILURE;
    if(count > 1) return RETURN_USER_MULTIPLE;
    return userid;

Above is basically the whole gl_common.include found in the /include/ folder. Your welcome!

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