31.01.2015, 14:26
So you want to add some .txd images into your textdraws?Then Read this tutorial to make your server more
Epic with some new textdraws.Please follow this steps or it won't work!
What do you need?
iPLEOMAX's TextDraw Editor
JernejL's .txd work shop
To make all .txd files open with the TXD workshop,just left click>open file with>TXD workshop
Lets start off!
To open a library go to >and select the library,at:
Hud library
samp library
LB_BEAT library
Vice City
How to do it with pictures,enjoy my Paint skills :P
Lets create a new file for the textdraws
Now I am gonna call it "test123"
Lets create a new textdraw>LS_SPAC:white
Changing the size of the image,we aren't going to put the image,yet.
Lets change the .txd image from LD_Space:white to something from the library
The finish project.
You can save it into scriptfiles folder with Export in the toolbar.You can also change the position and the size by in the toolbar.
So you want to add some .txd images into your textdraws?Then Read this tutorial to make your server more
Epic with some new textdraws.Please follow this steps or it won't work!
What do you need?
iPLEOMAX's TextDraw Editor
JernejL's .txd work shop
To make all .txd files open with the TXD workshop,just left click>open file with>TXD workshop
Lets start off!
To open a library go to >and select the library,at:
GTA - San Andreas\models
hud:skipicon hud:radar_ZERO hud:radar_WOOZIE hud:radar_waypoint hud:radar_tshirt hud:radar_truck hud:radar_triadsCasino hud:radar_triads hud:radar_Torenoranch hud:radar_TORENO hud:radar_THETRUTH hud:radar_tattoo hud:radar_SWEET hud:radar_spray hud:radar_school hud:radar_saveGame hud:radar_RYDER hud:radar_runaway hud:radar_race hud:radar_qmark hud:radar_propertyR hud:radar_propertyG
samaps:map samaps:gtasamapbit1 samaps:gtasamapbit2 samaps:gtasamapbit3 samaps:gtasamapbit4
LD_BEAT:chit LD_BEAT:chita LD_BEAT:circle LD_BEAT:circlea LD_BEAT:cring LD_BEAT:cringa LD_BEAT:cross LD_BEAT:crossa LD_BEAT:down LD_BEAT:downa LD_BEAT:downl LD_BEAT:downla LD_BEAT:downr LD_BEAT:downra LD_BEAT:left LD_BEAT:lefta LD_BEAT:right LD_BEAT:righta LD_BEAT:square LD_BEAT:squarea LD_BEAT:triang LD_BEAT:trianga LD_BEAT:up LD_BEAT:upa LD_BEAT:upl LD_BEAT:upla LD_BEAT:upr LD_BEAT:upra
outro:outro splash1:splash1 splash2:splash2
Lets create a new file for the textdraws
Now I am gonna call it "test123"
Lets create a new textdraw>LS_SPAC:white
Changing the size of the image,we aren't going to put the image,yet.
Lets change the .txd image from LD_Space:white to something from the library
The finish project.
You can save it into scriptfiles folder with Export in the toolbar.You can also change the position and the size by in the toolbar.