Suggestions / Bug Fixes

Code for mange player's radio station. I know that already have in audio plugin and samp+ but player for that must have some client files

Make possible to detect if player pressed 'ESC' under OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw (because with OnPlayerClickTextDraw it's possible).

Originally Posted by f0cus
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Make possible to detect if player pressed 'ESC' under OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw (because with OnPlayerClickTextDraw it's possible).
Just call OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw from OnPlayerClickTextDraw...

Hello I am here to give a good useful and very cool suggestion that could be added in the new version of samp (0.3.7) My suggestion is to put a kind of sight, as in some missions in the game, in which only has the crosshairs on the screen player in samp could be a function that is to choose the sights size, type of desparo (rhythm of a weapon example: M4, minigun, etc ...) is basically the system to shoot in the vehicle, however without the gun the show and without the player to show, would be useful in helicopters and a legal function one example:

this is just a demonstration of command that is:

 AddVehicleGun(vehicleid, 3, 31, 80, 400);

AddVehicleGun(vehicleid //adds the gun in the desired vehicle (ie this weapon will for this vehicle 
          3 //size of sight
          31 // id of the weapon will be the same as the desired pace or is this id is the M4 the rhythm of the weapon will be the same as the M4
          80 // distance in which the shots will
          400 // Number of bullets
This is my idea I hope you enjoy, or at least could deploy a helicopter to Shoot system, but I think that this function is much better because you can also do this

Hello, It's me again with another script idea for the new version of samp, this is another idea that many would have had, not sure if this is already possible but it would be nice if there was a function to place a bitmap image with size defined as:


this is just an example, but could add this image taken up by an internet link objects, vehicles, etc ... textdrawns

Thanks For Read my post

Very much like to see the following:
* Ability to control the rotation of players skins
* Objects clothes and tattoos of a singleplayer
* Skill driving vehicles
* Call OnPlayerPickUpPickup when picked pickup jetpack if the player drop him before
* Fix this mod:
* Getting the amount of oxygen in the lungs (if a player under water)
* GetPlaerSkillLevel
* Ability to disable the animations when watering players from fire truck and similar vehicles.
* Add objective markers for the players (as in cars)

Originally Posted by OstGot
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Very much like to see the following:
* Skill driving vehicles
Yes yes yes! And bike skill.

Originally Posted by Abagail
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Actually, there are examples given in the stunt_island filterscript. I am guessing only tubular materials are going to work for those objects; although you'd have to ask Matite to confirm this as he is the one that made those models.
What do you mean?. If any usage of SetObjectMaterial turns the animtube 19901 invisible it's not working properly.

The ability to getting the amount of vehicle nitro.

agree with autor, this will be very useful

as somebody said above, it will create a fixed textbox, the same as chat or killlist

Originally Posted by iReacheR
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It is not a textdraw, its a rendered text although textdraws are also rendered text but that is something different. I got this guy and this suggestion is actually very nice. It would be nice to have that.
I don't think so as you can generate those texts with the flashing color with textdraws.

Still, would like to see that kind of text above that dollar pickup in the picture few replies above.

Originally Posted by Vince
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Remove the god damn stadium icons. Every icon is removed, except that one. And on top of that it has a useless checkpoint attached to it.
Afaik one of the stadium icons is already removed. But yeah I don't understand why the other 2 are still there.

Originally Posted by Dragonsaurus
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I think OP wants to suggest something like this:

I'd call it a 3D Textdraw, refering to the text(draw) above the dollar pickup.
And yes, something like it would be very useful, plus, you should be able to attach it to a player / vehicle.

Edit: Sorry for the size...
Originally Posted by Patrik356b
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I believe that is a textdraw
Originally Posted by iReacheR
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It is not a textdraw, its a rendered text although textdraws are also rendered text but that is something different. I got this guy and this suggestion is actually very nice. It would be nice to have that.
It is a textdraw.
It's just that its position on the screen in calculated by using the camera vector and your position, also camera mode (the one you change with the 'v' key).

Just move around the camera and have the text touch the borders of the screen, it will behave just like a textdraw because it is a textdraw.

What about adding the "cut" parameter to "SetCameraBehindPlayer" ? (the default would be like now, CAMERA_CUT) Also, should add a "time" parameter.

MaterialText must been attached to any details of vehicle or moving with they.

can you add a inverted version of vehicle nocollide or something else?

my goal was to give the new players nocollide so they cant ram somebody, but for all the other players, the collision works normaly. (only the new players, because the other players near a newbie need to be hitable)

before kurta needs to add a custom function like:
"DisableRemoteVehicleCollisionsForPlayer(playerid, forplayerid,disable)"
is my question, if it can be native by default. the current nocollide function is just good for stuntservers.
in my point it will be good for semi-roleplay servers (not extremly realistic but anti-trolling proved) who want to make just 1 car nocollide like:
- driving school car
- support vehicles
- vehicles for players under level 3
- only the same vehicletyp because they want both in the same job-checkpoint.
but without stopping the possibility to get hitable by others in the "same time".

something like:
DisableRemoteVehicleCollisionsForPlayer(playerid,f orplayerid,disable) // Do it for single players between other players.
DisableRemoteVehicleCollisionsInverted(playerid,di sable) // Just allow others to drive in me, not myself.
DisableVehicleCollision(vehicleid,disable) // the best one because it makes directly what stunt/semi-rp servers can use


In water, could have as catch his breath (similar to GetPlayerHealth / GetPlayerArmour) ..
pawn Код:
native GetPlayerBreath(playerid, Float:value);
native SetPlayerBreath(playerid, Float:value);
Sorry for my bad english '-'

Originally Posted by M4D
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TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, bool:toggle, bool:camera_move, bool: take_damage);
Originally Posted by OstGot
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Call OnPlayerPickUpPickup when picked pickup jetpack if the player drop him before
Originally Posted by Manyula
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I'd also like to see the passengers in a vehicle to be as vulnerable as the driver himself. It's really annoying and is abused quite frequently.
Originally Posted by corne
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more skins from missions and skins that were never used but still are in GTA SA files
support all these,
and please, add
Originally Posted by Whizion
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Fix a bug with the killlist when the killed player at the moment has 0 hp. OnPlayerDeath at this time sends the wrong killerid and weaponid.

You can simply check this with shooting player with a M4. M4 takes 10hp.

PHP код:
native SetObjectbreakable(objectidset); 

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