Suggestions / Bug Fixes

Allow us to take a grenade's landing position.

Add "GetPlayerFontSize" function(and pagesize). And... BLOCK CLEO!

It would be nice to see the Mr Whoppee jingle synced. It currently only works for players who were streamed in with the vehicle when it was played.

It'd also be nice to see vehicle moving parts synced and the smoke that comes from the Cropduster and Stunt Plane.

I'd also like to suggest that when planes explode on impact that it explodes for other players also.

Add a parameter to CreateObjects and CreatePlayerObject to set camera collision on or off.
pawn Код:
CreateObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ, Float:DrawDistance, bool:togglecamcollision)
CreatePlayerObject(playerid, modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ, Float:DrawDistance, bool:togglecamcollision)

Originally Posted by BeckzyBoi
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It would be nice to see the Mr Whoppee jingle synced. It currently only works for players who were streamed in with the vehicle when it was played.

It'd also be nice to see vehicle moving parts synced and the smoke that comes from the Cropduster and Stunt Plane.

I'd also like to suggest that when planes explode on impact that it explodes for other players also.
you mean hood flapping about or the ladder of the LV firetuck swinging around?

It would be nice with synced smoke from the planes

pawn Код:
native SendBullet(...);
Would be great.

I still like to see a toggle to hide the HUD.
Would be so great if this will be posible. Then you got an ability to make your own HUD.

Remove FPSLIMIT, And give free hosting directly from the SA:MP administration would make life alot easier.

Add some new player skins to samp.img i would love new skins that everyone could actually see, And how about a program that allows us to create our own custom functions, With this people wont need to rage over samp forums for there to be new functions like native SendBullet or something

SetVehicleSpawnInfo to change the position, color and respawn delay of vehicles when they respawn would be very useful

Originally Posted by Wingman
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Add some new player skins to samp.img i would love new skins that everyone could actually see, And how about a program that allows us to create our own custom functions, With this people wont need to rage over samp forums for there to be new functions like native SendBullet or something
Well new functions are not made just in pawno, they require some more advanced programming. There is already SAMP + or something like that which adds new functions so you can go and try to program that.

I fully support this, textdraws can be pain in the ass...

Until something is done to prevent screwing up D3D text formatting on different resolutions - no, thank you...

Remember that textdraws look EXACTLY the same on every resolution - no matter if it is 800x600 or 1920x1080, but text in dialogs looks DIFFERENT! (visible especially in messageboxes that use a lot of \t) It will be the same with "2DText"... It's serious flaw, right now textdraws > D3D text

I think OP wants to suggest something like this:

I'd call it a 3D Textdraw, refering to the text(draw) above the dollar pickup.
And yes, something like it would be very useful, plus, you should be able to attach it to a player / vehicle.

Edit: Sorry for the size...

Originally Posted by Dragonsaurus
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I think OP wants to suggest something like this:

I'd call it a 3D Textdraw, refering to the text(draw) above the dollar pickup.
And yes, something like it would be very useful, plus, you should be able to attach it to a player / vehicle.

Edit: Sorry for the size...

Since almost all of you didn't get what i was aiming at, the best example i can give you is the text under the radar that displays the current radio station activated (AudioStream).

I hope you now know what i'm talking about.

Originally Posted by Whizion
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Since almost all of you didn't get what i was aiming at, the best example i can give you is the text under the radar that displays the current radio station activated (AudioStream).

I hope you now know what i'm talking about.
I believe that is a textdraw

It is not a textdraw, its a rendered text although textdraws are also rendered text but that is something different. I got this guy and this suggestion is actually very nice. It would be nice to have that.

SUGGESTION: SetVehicleRotationQuat native or any other way to set the vehicle's rotation manually on the X, Y and Z angles.

Originally Posted by Patrik356b
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SetObjectMaterial doesn't work on animtube object 19901 - anything makes the whole object invisible
Actually, there are examples given in the stunt_island filterscript. I am guessing only tubular materials are going to work for those objects; although you'd have to ask Matite to confirm this as he is the one that made those models.

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