Suggestions / Bug Fixes

Originally Posted by Ryses
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F9 crashes you.
Doesn't crash me.

Turn back the old loadscreen and shake camera (why it was remove?).

PHP Code:
This one would be awesome!

I have currently the Issue that I cant disable the collision of Boats, does anyone can confirm this?

Font size is multipled *2
I suggest dont multiple this parameter!
because /fontsize 1 = +2 font size and can be too big

Kalcor allow to use not only 18 20 22 24 - we must use 19 21 23 and 25

Originally Posted by Ryses
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F9 crashes you.
Unable to reproduce the crash, do you have any crash address?

It will be nice:

TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, toggle: true/false, toggle: camera_move);


TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, toggle: true/false, toggle: camera_move, toggle: take_damage);

Then there should be an option for text draws to use fixed pixel sizes, so they can look exactly the same for different resolutions. Disantvantage of this is, that large text draws or text draws with large offsets has to be clipped at low resolution. Currently text draws can only be drawn within x=640 and y=480 viewport, which scales corresponding to the user's game screen resolution. Also it would be useful to gain the screen resolution of a user to do the scaling math by yourself.

Originally Posted by BloodMaster
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"3DTextLables" are actually 2D text lables in 3D world. Don't know what you're referring to, because what you're talking about are "TextDraws".
I know, that's the thing, they're in the 3D world. I'd like them to be on the screen.

They look perfect on any resolution, whereas textdraws look awful if you use something bellow 1024x768 (which a large portion of my playerbase does). And since you need to display a lot of information to the players (so they could learn the server) this becomes a problem with textdraws.

I don't know why it's such a big deal for you guys, there are thousands of free open source libraries that can be used to draw text on a screen and any of them would outperform textdraws by far.

Nice idea, standart textdraws are sooo outdated.
For example, they are don't support the cyrillic.. and fonts are look pathetic.
New labels could give many features such as normal second chat for unimportant messages, small tips, etc. And it available by NORMAL fonts such as Arial or some other specified in sa-mp.cfg.

Totally agree. Textdraws do not support Russian language without third-party modifications

Originally Posted by BonhommeG
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[...]they are don't support the cyrillic..[...]
Text draws uses custom font bitmaps somewhere located in the game files. The game engine is designed to map and draw these custom files.
I agree to have support for font files, especially support for Windows font files, but these fonts have to be installed on the user's machine to work.

Originally Posted by BigETI
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Text draws uses custom font bitmaps somewhere located in the game files. The game engine is designed to map and draw these custom files.
I know, but for russian language, for example, exists many versions of translations independents for each other, and сyrillic characters in each of them uses own mapping, that creates a substantial fragmentation of versions and does not give the possibility to normal adapt the textdraws for each client.

For example, if we want to display "Тест", we should translate this as "TECT" for one type of translations, and as "Џec¦" for another.

Using new 2DTexts with normal font could help get rid of it.

- increase the limit for CreateObject
- ToggleHud

Textdraws are a pain to work with, it would be nice to have an alternative that also scales accordingly but is not messed up like textdraws.

Also this should include clickable areas/buttons.

Originally Posted by La.x.eL
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- increase the limit for CreateObject
- ToggleHud
We can use a object streamer !
But if developers increase vehicle limit, it would be nice

About ToggleHud , it would very useful for server tutorial, making custom health & armour bar (for example for counter strike servers in bottom of screen)
And many other things…

What about clientside scripts? Has that suggestion been noted or has it already been dismissed? An official statement would be quite nice.

Originally Posted by Manyula
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What about clientside scripts? Has that suggestion been noted or has it already been dismissed? An official statement would be quite nice.
Highly unlikely.

What exactly are the advantages or disadvantages of clientside scripts?

My next suggestion is something that has already been brought up: the possibility to search for a servername in the client, rather than just the gamemode and stuff.

Originally Posted by Manyula
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What exactly are the advantages or disadvantages of clientside scripts?
Pros: instant response from functions
Cons: Prone to new bugs
badly written scripts could in theory make other things crash/lock-up other than the game itself.

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