Suggestions / Bug Fixes

Hey guys,

I created this thread so we can collect people's suggestions or bug fixes for the next RC versions.

The player camera collides with the other vehicle when being "in it", if you catch my drift. As if the vehicle were an object.

Ability to change back the dimensions of dialogs/chatbox/scoreboard to default ones from previous versions.
Current size is kinda weird since it makes the layout too big and font-size too small.

Originally Posted by LocMax
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Ability to change back the dimensions of dialogs/chatbox/scoreboard to default ones from previous versions.
Current size is kinda weird since it makes the layout too big and font-size too small.
I agree with this. The modifications made to the dialogs look really bad on my server and on my resolution ( 1366 x 768 ).

Well, since it supposed to be fix release, I think devs should sync or fix Heat Seeker Rocket Launcher missles, same with Night Vision and Thermal Goggles, Teargas would be nice too. These are like only weapons that don't work properly since 0.1 days. I know Goggles can be fixed with OnPlayerUpdate, but it dosen't work 100% sometimes.

there should be more functions for font change i think.. when you select optimal chat size, deathmessages are too small

Originally Posted by papedo
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there should be more functions for font change i think.. when you select optimal chat size, deathmessages are too small
I too faced this -

I liked the news in the collision system.

Suggestion: One function that detects the collision between two points.

pawn Code:
native ColisionBetweenPoints(Float:fromX, Float:fromY, Float:fromZ, Float:toX, Float:toY, Float:toZ, &Float:colX, &Float:colY, &Float:colZ);
~ My kill chat was distorted in all fontsize, I use the resolution 1366x768.

There's also a little cosmetical issue with the dialog's caption bar.

I have no idea if it's possible but editable weather cull zones? Constantly switching players' weather between 7 and 8 kinda sucks and doesn't disable the birds.

Edit: Empty ATC object.

Change X and Y of dialogs

Would be nice to be able to toggle the grey vehicle markers on minimap on server startup

Here are my suggestions currently on my mind, hopefully Kalcor can consider.
  • If a player times out, give us a function to see what kind of exception they received just so we can know if players are crashing because of a particular server feature or because of their extravagantly modified game.
  • If you return 0 on OnPlayerTakeDamage, then it will completely void the damage (or in other words, not damage a player whatsoever).
  • I don't know if it's only me, but GetPlayerWeapon while in a vehicle does not work that well. For example, give yourself a detonator and SetPlayerArmedWeapon( playerid, 0 ); while in OnPlayerUpdate with an exception being for the detonator, if it still resets your weapon regardless of having the exception for a detonator, then that's what I mean.
  • Focus more on security and reserve features that require time and effort for 0.4, if features keep getting added and security keeps getting ignored then it will burden us server owners, and you as well (server-full attack = lots of people demanding a fix).
If you manage to see this Kalcor, my last message to you is simply to say, thanks!

Since there have already been added a lot of camera functions, what about these ones?
pawn Code:
native SetPlayerCameraMode(playerid, cameramode);
native GetPlayerCameraMode(playerid, cameramode);
native TogglePlayerCameraMode(playerid, toggle:cameramode);
1. Set a player's camera mode (camera view).
2. Get a player's camera mode.
3. Toggle the player's ability to change camera modes (by pressing V).

Bug (DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions):

Camera "collides" when you drive through a vehicle

pawn Code:
MouseClick(playerid); // like SelectObject, and like in s-o-beit
OnPlayerMouseClick(playerid, Type, ID, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, click)
  • 0 - Player
  • 1 - NPC
  • 2 - Vehicle
  • 3 - Object
ID - Returns the clicked thing's id (modelid, playerid, vehicleid... etc)
X, Y, Z - Returns the clicked thing's pos
  • 0 - Left mouse click
  • 1 - Right mouse click
  • 2 - Middle mouse button
(Sorry for my bad english)

Just tested out the elevator a bit.

When moving upwards (haven't tested if it applies to moving downwards yet), one falls through the map when walking against another player in the elevator.

Camera collision gets bugged when driving a vehilce on an object outside of the map

Edit: Just noticed that it happens everywhere, not only on objects.

1) There should be some function to find out if the objectid is PlayerObject or global object
pawn Code:
new object = GetPlayerCameraTargetObject(playerid);
2) When using dialog with DIALOG_STYLE_LIST you canґt click and select 20. and more items - the items that hasnґt been visible before 0.3.7 becouse of smaller dialog size.

Please, create vehicle limit to 3000 at least

F9 crashes you.

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