18.01.2015, 20:36
Last edited by nezo2001; 19/01/2015 at 10:51 AM.
Link: http://pastebin.com/13aMVs3B
Please feedback,
- 8 Ranks
- Each rank with different skin
- Each rank with different weapons' ammo
- Save system (But if the server closed the stats will lost, Still working on it)
- /makepolice (Only for rcon admin to make a police officer)
- /cuff (Cuff a player)
- /uncuff (Uncuff a player)
- /pfreeze (Freeze a player "Only if he cuffed")
- /punfreeze (Un freeze a freezed player)
- /jail (Jail a player "Must be cuffed")
Link: http://pastebin.com/13aMVs3B
Please feedback,