[Help]Is this site working fine in your browser?Does it load fine without any error?

I am getting an error at http://samp4free.in/

Here are some screenshots

In normal mode : http://pokit.org/get/img/91b614d6072...91d86a9974.jpg

In ****** chrome incognito mode: http://pokit.org/get/img/237711f1abb...4780d855b6.jpg

Are you getting the same error?

It's clearly a problem with the host, but I think it's already fixed. The site is working fine for me.

Seems like a sad attempt to advertise your website, judging by your post history.

Working fine

The only reason that would happen is if your site is down or offline, it has nothing to do with anybodies browsers if your getting that error page from cloudfare than everyone else is as well.

And here I wonder.
Why are these people not stereotyped yet.

Even with shameless and utterly childish way of advertising. Your crap won't go far. Put that dream into a bin cause its moldy.

use isup.me

disable cloudflare

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