When to use filterscript and when to use gamemode

Hello everyone,

I am new to scripting and I want to learn it.
First thing I wanted to know is, when do I use a filterscript and when do I use a gamemode.
I know how to use it, but I mean like.
What kind of things do I code in a filterscript and what kind of things do I code in a gamemode?
I am now busy with my first script and it's going to be some commands.
Commands like: help and e
help to show the commands and e to start a vehicle engine.
Should I create a seperate filterscript to handle the engine starting or should I add it in the commands filterscript?
If anyone can answer these three questions, that would be great.

Greets xX4m4zingXx

Just script it all in your gamemode.
Filterscripts are generally just a file given when downloading others srcipts, that is easier to use than implementing their script into your gamemode.

Ty, both.
I think I will just create much filterscripts.
what is less laggy? filterscripts or just in gm?

Ok, Thank you.

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