Help! with CreateObjects

Well, i have started my own server (working on it) but never got createobjects to work..when i paste the code of map it compiles but it never comes up on server only AddStaticvehicle shows ..Why??

I am using

[GM] Stunt+Freeroam+Fun 3.8

do you know for sure you put in the code correct ?
i dont know why it doesnt work maybey you put in the wrong code or something
post your gamemode so i can see what is wrong ?
that is more clear then just asking whats wrong when i cant see it

Gr Dopey

Now i use another one but same problem here it is

Well i can see the objects that he have added..but when i add it dosent shows up please help me

CreateObject(modelid, X, Y, Z, RotX, RotY, RotZ);

Upload some of your objects to pastebin and post the link here.
And are you sure there isn't any problem with your game?

If ur Server is using stream u need to Define or change ex: Createobject =*> ObjectXCreateObject

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