Optimization script

All greetings!
I not yet professionally work with pawno and at me is a pair of questions.
I use on the server slightly modified gamemode TheGodfather. An online the person playing on a server approximately 100-150. My hosting support speaks me, that the server strongly loads the processor and it from for my scripts. My hoster has advised me to optimize to me mine script. I have tried to use original styles Godfathera, but loading on the processor same. It style means does not depend on my updatings. Therefore I have decided to address on a forum sa-mp team to professionals working with pawno. I wanted to find out from you councils, someone can faced with such problem. Prompt please in what parts scripts it is necessary to look, above what it is necessary to work for the decision of this problem? What can cause such big loading on the processor in scripts TheGodfather?
I hope for your helps and the help to make this optimization very important for me
Also excuse me for my English, at very bad with him

Lots of timers will increase the load. and possibly crash the server

Just make your own script, no wonder why people hate GF.

Originally Posted by [SU
BP13 ]
Lots of timers will increase the load. and possibly crash the server
hmm timers...
And there can be still any reasons besides timers?

Originally Posted by [NL
WackoX ]
Just make your own script, no wonder why people hate GF.
Good idea but while it is unacceptable for me... While it is necessary to use Godfather

Maybe you still have OnPlayerUpdate?

Originally Posted by [NL
WackoX ]
Maybe you still have OnPlayerUpdate?
No, it was altered right after Release 0.2x

well godfather is basically made of timers. thats probly why. also lots of unstreamer cars will

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