Objects Problem

I got the island working with some NoLimitObjects script, and it works good, but there are two problems. I can only have the island, because If I add more, me and server lagg a lot, and second the objects disappear and don't load very quick. Any better suggestions guys? I can't add it to my gamemode since its 204 objects, not 150 like the limit has

//edit: Im completely hopeless! I was walking on the island, while the ground disappeared and I felt into water. Simply useless!

Originally Posted by Puzi
I was walking on the island, while the ground disappeared and I felt into water. Simply useless!
LOLOL? Something must me completely bugged... Maybe it's your server. Or maybe it's one of your filterscripts that prevents your objects to be created.

Nevermind, got it fixed now. I found a good streamer and Its working. Objects sometimes disappear but now not that much. Thanks for help guys

Not really fixed actually. It still F*CKING PISSES ME OFF!! Does any streamer work With this Island? Objects keep disappearing, please help. I am using TurboStreamer, since it is the only streamer that supports the island for me. Please help or tell me how to make them stop disappearing.

@ coop

Lol createobject? old. pff...

@ Puzi

Use YSI (By Y_Less).

Downloadlink (Edited for 1 include by Me):

xStreamer Problem:

You use the Delux map converter(=Shit, slow and Bug Converts)?

Use: http://maps.serverhex.com/


But will they stop dissappearing? Btw, in YSI i dont have any objects at all. I think its bugged for me or something. But it works and I had it installed right...


You use the Delux map converter(=Shit, slow and Bug Converts)?

Yeap, I do use it, i didnt know its shit

My include is good. And please you not DB
Use server hex map converter.

Okey sorry for DB, btw, I am now swimming instead of walking on the island. the ground is missing =/ Stupid Island, Idk what causes it, whether its the island, object lines when converted or the streamer itself. Btw, Streamer i think is okey, other objects work.

//edit: My people are now testing it and they say that the island sinks together with vehicles spawned on it. I am completely hopeless.

FFS! I am now sick of this I fly to the island, Good, It appears, I land walk around a bit, AND IT DISAPPEARS! WTF! I converted the lines on the website u said...

C:\DOCUME~1\KAMIL\Pulpit\RPGTDM~1\RPG.pwn(2193) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Object_Object"
C:\DOCUME~1\KAMIL\Pulpit\RPGTDM~1\RPG.pwn(2193) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Object_OnPlayerDisconnect"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Warnings.
This is what I get when i add YSI and objects into my gamemode.

Oh come on, please help me guys! They still keep disappearing! I have located one place that when I walk onto it, the whole ground disappears, but when I teleport back to the island, it appears back again... Is it a bug? Do you know what bug? How to fix it? If someone wants, join my server, I can give you the IP.

Please help... I need the island working for today

Originally Posted by Puzi
I counted 1081 lines with CreateStreamedObject. Would 1000 be the limit? Weird because they all work, the objects i just made for the island don't work at all.
xStreamer have an limit of 4.000.000 Objects.
but u have to convert all! your objects to createobject becus xStreamer assosiate createobject and it will work fine!

You are no longer allowed to use xStreamer. Does anyone read anymore?

Yes i know about xStreamer :P Im using TurboStreamer now which is lame too, objects disappear, HELP!

//edit: Eh, I have 2 hrs left to tackle this problem.

Originally Posted by Puzi
Yes i know about xStreamer :P Im using TurboStreamer now which is lame too, objects disappear, HELP!
Y_Objects is the best, just search on howto use it.

Did you mean YSI? It doesnt work for me, I can't install it

Puzi you idiot for object streaming sorry.

To OnGameModeInit(); > Object_Object(); & Object_SetViewDistance(objectid,500);
To OnPlayerDisconnect(); > Object_OnPlayerDisconnect();

And I please You do DB on this forum. Please use Modify.

Okay so what you should do is follow this. It worked for me. [Yes I had the same problem Yesterday.

Download : http://www.fileshost.com/download.php?id=2C29FB951
There's a readme in the Rar, which says what you should do to get this working.
And I'll explain it below too.

Step 1 - Download [Download link above]
Step 2 - Extract
Step 3 - Open MidoStream.pwn file & compile it to MideStream.amx
Step 4 - Put MidoStream.pwn & MidoStream.amx in your filterscript map
Step 5 - Put MidoStream.pwn & MidoStream.amx in your pawno/include map
Step 6 - Go to http://pastebin.com/f2c2d84bd & copy & paste!

It Works on me, screenshots :

Good luck,
Dr. Awesome aka HellDude

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