onplayershootplayer problem

im making a cops and robbers but i have a small issue i made a code that if a player shoots a police they should get wanted and if a cop shoot an innocent player it send a message to the online admins and show a gametext
pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost);
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
    new issuerid;
    new targetid;
    if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && targetid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if(GetPlayerTeam(targetid) == GetPlayerTeam(issuerid))
            new Float:AttackerHP;
            GetPlayerHealth(issuerid, AttackerHP);
            SetPlayerHealth(issuerid, AttackerHP-5.0);
            GameTextForPlayer(issuerid, "~r~Thats your team mate, stop shooting ", 5000, 5);
    new shoter, shotted, shoterid, shottedid, srtin[128];
    if(gTeam[shoter] != TEAM_POLICE)
        if(GetPlayerTeam(shotted) == TEAM_POLICE)
            format(srtin,sizeof(srtin),"[POLICE RADIO] Suspect %s(%d) is wanted for shooting/murdering officer %s(%d) and is Harmed and Dangerours proceed with caution.",shoter,shoterid,shotted,shottedid);
    new rshot, shot, rstring [128], rshotid,  rstring2 [128];
    if(gTeam[shot] == TEAM_POLICE)
        if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(rshot) == 0)
            format(rstring,sizeof(rstring),"%s(%d)'s is not a wanted player.",rshot,rshotid);
            format(rstring2,sizeof(rstring2),"[AUTO DETECT] Officer %s(%d) is shooting a player thats not wanted",shot,shoterid);
    return 1;
Can someone tell me whats the problem in the code none of it work.

what's the result of the code you have now? Does it even do anything or absolutely nothing?

If i may ask why are you defining new variables(issureid, targetid] while it's predefined in the callback (shooter,target)

Originally Posted by mahdi499
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If i may ask why are you defining new variables(issureid, targetid] while it's predefined in the callback (shooter,target)
pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost);
public OnPlayerShootPlayer(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost)
    new issuerid;
    new targetid;
    if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID && targetid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if(GetPlayerTeam(targetid) == GetPlayerTeam(issuerid))
            new Float:AttackerHP;
            GetPlayerHealth(issuerid, AttackerHP);
            SetPlayerHealth(issuerid, AttackerHP-5.0);
            GameTextForPlayer(issuerid, "~r~Thats your team mate, stop shooting ", 5000, 5);
    new srtin[128];
    if(gTeam[issuerid] != TEAM_POLICE)
        if(GetPlayerTeam(targetid) == TEAM_POLICE)
            format(srtin,sizeof(srtin),"[POLICE RADIO] Suspect %s is wanted for shooting/murdering officer %s and is Harmed and Dangerours proceed with caution.",issuerid,targetid);
    new rstring2 [128],rstring [128];
    if(gTeam[issuerid] == TEAM_POLICE)
        if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(targetid) == 0)
            format(rstring,sizeof(rstring),"%s is not a wanted player.",targetid);
            format(rstring2,sizeof(rstring2),"Officer %s is shooting a player thats not wanted",issuerid);
    return 1;
Changed them but still not working


try not sure don't fu*k me if not work

Change this

pawn Код:
new issuerid;
new targetid;
to this one

pawn Код:
new issuerid = Shooter;
new targetid = Target;

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